安徽专升本英语真题以及答案 下载本文

内容发布更新时间 : 2024/6/13 16:00:50星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

C.it’s getting warmer in the low land D.it’s getting coldier in the mountains

58. The reason why the lobsters migrate is _______.

A. the bad weather B. the depth of the ocean

C. scientist’lack of interest D. unkown 60. The passage is mainly about _______.

A, living things on the moove B. the most famous migration C. mice in northern Europe D. migration of lobsters

Task 4

You can tell age of a tree by counting its rings.But these records of a tree’s life really

say a lot more. Scientists are using tree rings to learn what’s been happening on the sun’s surface for the last ten thousand years. Each ring represents a year of growth. As the tree grows, it adds a layer to its trunk, taking up chemical elements from the air. By looking at elements in the rings from a certain year, scientists can what elements were in the air that year. Dr.Stevenson is analyzing one element, carbon-14, in rings from both living and dead trees. Some rings go back almost ten thousand years to the end of the Ice Age. When Stevenson followed the carbon-14 track back in time, he found carbon-14 levels changed with the intensity of solar buring.You see, the sun has cycles.Sometimes it burns fiercely, and at other times it’s relatively calm. During the sun’s violent periods, it throws off charged formation of carbon-14 on earth. When there is more solar wind activity, less carbon-14 is produced. Ten thousand years of tree rings show that the carbon-14 level rises and falls about every 420 years. The scientists concluded that solar wind activity must follow the same cycle.

61. The purpose of the scientists in studying tree rings is to _______ A. examine the chemical elements in the Ice Age B.look into the pattern of solar wind activity c. analyze the pattern of solar wind activity D.find out the origin of carbon-14 on earth 62. What effects the amount of carbon-14 on earth

A The lifecycle of trees . B.The number of trees C The intensity of solar burning D The quality of air.

63. When the sun burns fiercely, __________carbon-14 is produced. A.less B. more C no D much

64.The underlined pharse “throw off” probably means ______. A give away B cast C send for D.get rid of

65.What do we learn from the passage about solar wind activity? A.It affects the growth of trees.

B.It has been increasing since the Ice Age. C.It is determined by the chemicals in the air. D. It follows a certain cycle. Part Translation (35 points)

(1) Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese (4 points each for NO.66 Through NO.68;6 points for No.69;18 points in all).

66. The activities will provide you with a rare chance to appreciate China’s food culture.

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67.Scientists are working on an electronic device, which could make life easier for the people. 68.The washing machine manufactured in out factory is light in weight, ,small in size and good in quality.

69.Laughter helps you reduce muscle tension, release anger, improve your ability to overcome panic and bring anxiety under control, as well as keep a more positive mind.

(Ⅱ) Translate the following from Chinese into English ( 4point each for No.70 through No. 72; 5 point for No. 73; 17 points in all).


71.北京2008年奥运会将对中国的经济产生很大影响。 72.他工作表现出色,最近被提升为部门经理。 73.我们看电视的目的是为了了解周围发生的事情。

Part Ⅴ Writing (20 points )

Directions: Write on ONE of the following two topics. You are supposed to follow the information given below.

1. 按照完整的英文书信的格式,就下述内容写一封应诉信。

1)假定你叫张华,是新华书店销售部经理(Sales Manager),你收到一封关于英汉词典质量问题的投诉信,请你回函应诉。

2)收信人姓名、地址:李明,合肥市江南路82号(230020) 3)写信时间:2008年4月13日 4)信的内容须包括:

?感谢对方来信 ?向对方表示道歉

?提出解决方法(凭发票换货或退款等) Words for reference: 退款:refund 发票:invoice

2. 写一篇题为“Making Friends Online\的作文,要求分三段,不少于100个单词。内容包括:1)有人认为网上交友是一件有益的事...... 2) 有人则认为网上交友弊大于利...... 3)你的看法是.......


1-5: B D C A D 6-10: C A D C B 11-15: A B C B A 16-20: D A C D B 21-25: A B C B A 26-30: C B D A B

31-35: A B D B B 36-40: D C A D B 41-45: C A A B D

46-50:A C B D A 51-55:B D C A A 56-60:C D B D A 61-65: B C A B D

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66. 这些活动将会为你提供一次欣赏中国饮食文化的难得机会。 或者翻译为: 这些活动将会让你欣赏到中国的饮食文化,机会难得。

67. 科学家们正在研发一种电子设备,它能使人们的生活更加便捷。 或者翻译为: 科学家们正在研发一种能让人们的生活变得更加便捷的电子设备。 68. 我们工厂生产的洗衣机重量轻、体积小、质量好。

69. 欢笑帮助你减少肌肉的紧张,释放愤怒的情绪,提高你克服恐慌和控制焦虑的能力,同时还能让你保持更积极的心态。

70. I don’t think you have realized the importance of reading.

71. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will exert/have great influence on China’s economy.1 72. He has been promoted to the position of department manager for his excellent performance.

73. We watch TV to know what happens around us.

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