中考英语专题18 U、V、W、Y字部-2020年中考英语复习之重点核心词汇详解 下载本文

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专题十八 U,V,W,Y字部

1. understand



用法:make oneself understood清楚表达自己的意思;understand+ that/wh-从句。例如:

I’m not very good at German, but I can make myself understood. 我德语不太好,不过我能说清楚自己的意思。 You don’t need to understand how computers work to be able to use them. 要使用计算机不需要非得搞懂它的工作原理。

词性转换:understanding adj.了解的额,有理解力的;n.谅解,理解;understandable adj.可以理解的 反义词:misunderstand v.误解,误会

(2019,北京卷,阅读C)To a certain degree, we can understand and control our experience of time passing. 2. use


关联词组:make (full/good) use of(充分)使用,利用;be in use在使用中;be of use (to sb.)(对某人)有用;for use供使用;easy to use使用方便;It’s no use doing sth.做某事没用 动词用法:常用结构有use sth. as sth.把某物用作……;use sth. to do sth.用某物做某事;use sth. for (doing) sth.为(做)某事使用某物。例如:

My parents use the house as a holiday home. 我父母把这房子用作度假屋。 Most people now use their cars to go shopping. 现在大多数人开车去购物。 They were using animals for scientific tests. 他们用动物做科学实验。 名词用法:

1可数名词,表示“用途,用处”。例如: ○

Robots have many different uses in modern industry. 机器人在现代工业中有多种不同用途。

2不可数名词,表示“用,使用”,指用的动作,仅以单数形式出现;其后通常接介词of。例如: ○

the increasing use of computers in education 电脑在教育领域中越来越多的使用

词性转换:used adj.二手的,使用过的;习惯的;usable adj.可用的;useful adj.有用的,有益的,有帮助的;useless adj.无用的;usage n.使用;用法;user n.用户,使用者


20. A recent survey shows that 44 percent of Americans want to use self-driving cars, _________ 34 percent believe that they will make the roads more dangerous. A. although B. because C. if 3. usual


关联词组:as usual像往常一样,照例;usual practice惯例,通常办法

用法:It is usual (for sb./sth.) (to do sth.)(某人)通常(做某事);longer/higher/worse than usual比平时长/


It is usual to start a speech by thanking everybody for coming. 讲话前先感谢大家光临,这是惯例。 He came home later than usual. 他回家比平时晚了些。 词性转换:usually adv.通常,经常 近义词:normal adj.正常的,一般的


I find it very easy to lose myself in my diary when I am away from my usual activities. 4. value


关联词组:market value市场价值;economic value经济价值;social value社会价值 用法:

1表示“价值”,与“钱”相关,相当于cost;后跟介词of。例如: ○

to go up/rise/increase in value 升/增值;to go down/fall/drop in value 贬值

2表示“重要性,用/益处”,相当于benefit,只作不可数名词;be of great/little value很/没有价值。例如:○ His research has been of little practical value. 他的研究没有什么实用价值。 词性转换:valuable adj.有价值的;贵重的;n.贵重物品


45. The Book of Poetry, the earliest collection of poems, is of great value in Chinese ▲ (历史). 5. visit


动词用法:visit+某地,表示“参观,游览”;visit+某人,表示“拜访,看望,访问”。例如: Which cities did you visit in Spain? 你在西班牙去了哪些城市?

Eric went to Seattle to visit his cousins. 埃里克到西雅图去看望他的表兄弟。 名词用法:pay a visit to sb./sth.参观/拜访……。例如:

If you have time, pay a visit to the local museum. 你若有空,参观一下当地的博物馆。 关联单词:visitor n.访问者;参观者


10.If you want to visit the Palace Museum, I tickets for you tomorrow. A. will book B. booked C. have booked D. was booking 6. voice



1特指唱歌的“声音、音质”。例如: ○

Sophie’s got a lovely singing voice. 索菲有一副悦耳的歌喉。

2表示“说话声,嗓音”;常用搭配如speak in a deep/soft/loud/quiet voice 低沉地说、轻柔地说、大声地说、○

轻声地说;raise/lower your voice提高/压低嗓门;keep one’s voice down 说话轻一些。例如: \“警察在这儿,”她低声说。

3还可喻指“意见,呼声”,或“发言权,表达意见的权利”;其后常接in sth.。例如: ○

Governments need to listen to the voice of people.政府需要倾听民众的呼声。

词性转换:voiceless adj.无声的;voiced adj.有声的;浊音的


9.Could you speak in a loud voice so that I can hear you _______________? A. quickly B. happily C. slowly D. clearly 7. wait


关联词组:can’t wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事;wait and see走着瞧;keep sb. waiting让某人等待 用法:

1wait接宾语时通常先接for;wait (for sb./sth.) to do sth.等待(……)做某事。例如: ○

I sat waiting patiently for the party to end. 我耐心地坐着等待聚会结束。 Are you waiting to use the phone? 你在等着用电话吗?

2口语中常用wait a minute/second/moment表示“等一下;等等”。例如: ○

Wait a moment, just let me think. 等一下,让我想想。


1.Mr. Wang is coming to our school. I can’t wait to see . A. her B. him C. it D. them 8. warm





Here, put on your nice warm coat. 来,穿上你舒适暖和的大衣。 Make sure you keep warm! 一定要穿暖和点!

2喻指“热情的,热忱的”,相当于friendly。例如: ○

Please give a warm welcome to our special guest. 请热烈欢迎我们的特邀嘉宾。 词性转换:warmth n.温暖,暖和;warmly adv.温暖地;热情地

反义词:cool adj.凉(爽)的:注意其近义词cold(寒冷的)通常与hot(炎热的)相对

(2019,北京卷,阅读A)My host mother is a Chinese teacher and she is really warm-hearted. 9. warn


用法:warn sb. about/against sth.就某事警告某人;warn (sb.) of sth.警告某人某事;warn sb. (not) to do sth.警告某人(不)做某事。warn sb. (that/wh-从句)。例如: He warned us against thieves. 他提醒我们要提防小偷。

They warned him of the dangers of sailing alone. 他们警告他独自航行的重重危险。 I warned you not to walk home alone. 我告诫过你不要一个人走路回家。

We warned them that there was a tiger in the woods. 我们提醒他们,林子里有一只老虎。 词性转换:warning n.警告;预兆,预告