17-18-2《剑桥商务英语》期末试卷(C)(适用班级:171商务英语) 下载本文

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上海石化工业学校 2016-2017学年第一学期

《剑桥商务英语》期末考试卷 (C)


第一部分:Vocabulary and Grammar (30分)

第一节:单项选择 (15分)


1. After reading the story, we came to know nobody can be successful ______ any efforts. A) for B) in C) on D) without 2. When we face(面对) any danger, we should keep __________. A) calm B) careful C) quiet D) frightened 3. The place is too expensive to hold our party. We should find a __________ one. A) cheap B) cheaper C) cheapest D) the cheapest 4. We can’t do listening exercise, _______ the teacher’s recorder doesn’t work. A) for B) but C) or D) and

5. Teenagers will learn more knowledge from real life ______ they have more chances to experience it. A) although B) if C) before D) unless

6. The ______ one draws, or writes, or does anything, the ______ the end result will be. A) much … good B) more … better C) most … best D) many … well

7. We listened eagerly and carefully, ______ he brought news of our families. A) and B) but C) so D) for 8. ______ it is to shop on the Internet! A) What easy B) What an easy C) How easy D) How easily 9. Passengers ______ stay seated during the take-off and landing. A) can B) may C) should D) must

10. In recent years, natural disasters ______ great damage to many tourist attractions. A) will cause B) have caused C) had caused D) were causing 11. Twenty children aged between 5 and 10 ______ in a campus shooting last month. A) kill B) killed C) are killed D) were killed

12. Some road workers ______ up the road outside my house, so I can’t get my car back into the garage (车库). A) dig B) are digging C) were digging D) will dig

13. Researchers at Xerox designed an icon system. But Apple was the first ______ it popular. A) make B) to make C) making D) made

14. We hadn’t seen each other for ages, so we spent the evening ______ up on each other’s

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A) to catch B) catch C) catching D) to catching 15. ______ he was tired after the daily hard work, Mo Yan was hungry for books. A) Since B) As soon as C) Although D) Until


A Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once.(将下列单词或词组的序号填入空格。每空格限填一词/词组,每词/词组只能填一次。) (共8分) A. local B. reach C. organization D. smaller E. bigger F. depend on G. floods H. mainly I. medical VSO stands for Voluntary Service Overseas. It is the largest independent volunteer 16 in the world with offices in many different countries. Since 1958, it has sent more than 30,000 volunteers to work 17 in Africa and Asia.

Tom Harahan is Irish and trained as a doctor. After he graduated from a 18 school in Britain, he spent two years as a VSO volunteer in Malawi, East Africa. The following is an entry from his diary.

14th April I arrived at Lilongwe Airport after an uncomfortable flight from Nairobi in Kenya. I then travelled for another five hours to 19 the hospital where I would work. On the way, the driver told me a lot about Malawi. It wasn’t good news. There are so many problems. There are often 20 and there isn’t enough food. There are also several dangerous diseases. The life expectancy (平均寿命) of Malawian men is only 36 – this is lower than it was in this country 50 years ago! I was exhausted when I arrived at the hospital, but I wanted to meet the 21 people who worked there and the other volunteers. It’s a nice hospital, but it isn’t big enough. It only has 50 beds, but there are about 20,000 people who 22 it. It’s the same everywhere in Malawi. The population of the country is 12 million, but there are only 100 doctors and 2,000 nurses. In Britain, the population is five times 23 , but we have half a million doctors and nurses.

B. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词 的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词): (共7分)

1. More and more underground __________ are being built or will be built in our city. (line) 2. Jackson has been named as the biggest selling artist in the UK since his __________ in

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2009. (die)

3. The automobile industry played an important role in America throughout the __________ century. (twenty)

4. “Life of Pi” is considered to be one of the most __________ films of the year. (power) 5. The government hasn’t reached a final __________ on the funding yet. (decide) 6. The medicine is known to __________ side effects on children. (production)

7. “The end of the world” rumor (谣言) was __________ reported on newspapers and the Internet some time ago. (wide)

第二部分:Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (36分)

A. Choose the best answer.(根据短文内容, 选择最恰当的答案): (共12分)

I recently spent two years in the Arctic(北极) filming the series(连续剧) Blue Planet. I love being in an environment that hasn’t changed for 20,000 years. Of course it’s freezing, but it must be a healthy place because you never catch a cold.

When I am filming, I like to really feel how lonely the environment is. Filming underwater involves cutting through thick ice. When diving in, you should tie to a line. The person at the other end of the line has to pull you out fast if necessary.

At first I was a research diver for the British Antarctic Survey Project, but for me, science isn’t exciting enough. I’d always enjoy photography, and whenever camera teams passed through, they encouraged me to watch and learn. I was then able to move into filming in 1985 and have concentrated on Arctic and Antarctic wildlife ever since.

I prefer to be face to face with the animals I’m filming. I haven’t been in the water with killer whales yet, but I plan to . Of course, it’s dangerous if you choose the wrong moment. They’re big animals and can move fast, so I’d be stupid to film them when they are searching for food!

I have never had problems with polar bears, although once I was frightened when one tried to get into my tent. Polar bears are bold, clever and dangerous. But I made the bear understand I wouldn’t hurt it.

Now I come back home, I work in the mornings and spend the afternoons swimming to keep fit. Now I’m fifty, and filming is harder. The challenge(挑战)for me is to go on with the high-quality work.

( )1. The writer loved the Arctic because ______________.

A) it’s freezing

B) it’s changeable D) it’s an exciting place

C) it’s a healthy place

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