【100所名校】2018届江苏省泰州中学高三12月月考英语试题(解析版) 下载本文

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英 语


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1.--What do you think we should do after dinner?

-- Why don’t we get beer at the Karaoke bar don the street? It is kind of fun to hear all 订 the birds singing.

A. a; 不填 B. a; a C. the; a D. a; the

装 号证2.Last month, part of Britain was struck by snowstorms, from effects most passengers in 考准Heathrow were suffering a lot, especially those with children.

只 A. which. B. what C. that D. whose

3.--I wonder what makes you a good salesperson.

卷 --I as a waiter for three years, which contribute a lot to my today’s work. A. serve B. have served 名姓C. had served D. served

此 4.Visitors took all the trouble with all well arranged by the travel agency. A. for everything B. for something C. for nothing D. for anything

级5.--How long do you expect it before the African can keep the disease under control? 班--As soon as possible.

A. is B. has been

C. will be D. will have been

6.Next door to ours , who seem to have settled in this community for quite a long time.

A. are living a black couple B. live a black couple C. are a black couple living D. do a black couple live 7.—Look at the noisy kids!

—Haven’t you heard the saying “________”?

A. There’s plenty of fish in the sea B. All that glitters is not gold

C. When the cat is away, the mice will play D. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 8. fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off. A. Would you be B. Should you be C. Could you be D. Might you be

9.(2015·浙江)How would you like _________if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you?

A. them B. one C. those D. it

10.The police officers decided to conduct a thorough and review of the case. A. comprehensive B. complicated C. conscious D. crucial

11.Body language can a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive.

A. take away B. throw away C. put away D. give away

12.--I’ve given up smoking already, darling.

--You should have taken the doctor’s advice years ago. , anyway. A. Better late than never B. It’s easier said than done C. No pains, no gains D. Well begun is half done

13.Albert Einstein was born in 1879. As a child, few people guessed that he a famous scientist whose theories would change the world.

A. has been B. had been C. was going to be D. was

14.Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it live is quite another. A. perform B. performing

C. to perform D. being performed

15.--Why didn’t you invite John to your birthday party? --Well, you know he’s . A. an early bird B. a wet blanket C. a lucky dog D. a green horn 二、完形填空

Electricity is such a part of our everyday lives and so much taken for granted nowadays ______ we rarely think twice when we switch on the light or turn on the TV set.

At night, roads are brightly lit, enabling people and ______ to move freely. Neon lighting used in advertising has become part of the ______ of every modern city.

In the home, many ______ devices are powered by electricity. ______ when we turn off the bedside lamp and are ______ asleep, electricity is working for us, ______ our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned.

Every day, trains, buses and subways take us to and from work. We rarely ______ to consider why or how they run——______ something goes wrong.

In the summer of 1959, something ______ go wrong with the power-plant that provided New York with electricity. For a great many hours, life came almost to a ______,Trains refused to move and the people in them sat in the dark, ______ to do anything; lifts stopped working, so that ______ you were lucky enough not to be ___between two floors, you had the unpleasant task of finding your way down ______ of stairs. Famous streets like Broadway and Fifth Avenue in a(n) ______ became as gloomy and uninviting ______ the most remote back streets. People were afraid to leave their houses, ______ although the police had been ordered to ______ in case of emergency, they were just as confused and ______ as anybody else.

16.A. that B. thus C. as

D. so 17.A. car

B. truck

C. traffic

D. pedestrians

18.A. appearance B. character C. distinction D. surface 19.A. money-saving B. time-saving C. energy-saving D. labor-saving 20.A. Only B. Rarely C. Even D. Frequently 21.A. fast

B. quite C. closely

D. quickly

22.A. moving B. starting C. repairing D. driving 23.A. trouble B. bother C. hesitate D. remember 24.A. when B. if

C. until D. after 25.A. did

B. would

C. could

D. should

26.A. pause B. terminal C. breakdown D. standstill

27.A. incompetent B. powerless C. hesitant D. helpless 28.A. although B. when C. as

D. even if

29.A. trapped B. placed C. positioned D. locked 30.A. steps B. levels C. flights D. floors 31.A. time B. instant C. point D. minute 32.A. like B. than C. for D. as 33.A. for

B. and

C. but

D. or 34.A. stand aside B. stand down C. stand by D. stand in

35.A. aimless B. helpless

C. unfocused D. undecided



With the assistance of office volunteers, Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontiéres (MSF) can reduce administration expenses and fully apply resources to help more populations worldwide.

Office volunteers usually assist us with our clerical work including data entry, letter mailing and information arrangement in MSF-HK office during office hours. You are also welcome to assist us by doing translation, research, designing publications, producing video clips, and other projects according to your schedule at home.

We also need volunteers for our events like the MSF Orienteering Competition and our exhibitions to take photographs, and to head reception counters or information booths(咨询台).

If you are interested in volunteering for MSF-HK office, please look through our volunteer vacancies below.

·Donor Services Volunteer

We are looking for a regular volunteer to help our Donor Services Unit with various data entry work and update the database through making outbound calls to the donors and supporters.

·General volunteers

Apart from specific volunteer vacancies, MSF-HIK also need general volunteers with greater adaptability to assist clerical work or event organization. Should you be interested in joining us as general volunteers, please simply upload your personal information to our volunteer database. Depending on our workload, we will search for volunteers who fit that skill set requirement and time frame, and further contact them for work arrangement.

·Join our volunteer database

The personal information you provide in the application form will be stored in our volunteer database, and will only be used for the purposes of our voluntary work arrangement and the communication with you. Should there be a suitable match, we will notify you by email or phone. For suggestions or inquiries about our voluntary services, please feel free to contact us. (Tel: 2959 4229; Email: volunteer@hongkong.msf.org)

36.According to the passage, office volunteers for MSF-HK . A. usually needn’t work overtime B. should master at least two languages

C. are required to complete their task in the office D. may have received a handwritten letter of appointment

37.MSF-HK’s job arrangement for office volunteers is . A. permanent B. vague C. flexible D. private


After a fight and before forgiveness often comes an apology. But saying “I'm sorry” comes more easily for some people than it does for others. Character is vital in creating a sincere apology. Those who lack character are not up to the task. They may try to give apologies that sound genuine. They may even use fancy words, but a real apology demands character. A new study suggests that specific personality traits offer clues about whether a person is likely to offer a sincere apology.

Psychologist Andrew Howell and his colleagues at Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton devised a questionnaire to measure a person’s willingness to beg someone’s pardon. They asked participants to indicate their level of agreement with a series of statements, such as “My continued anger often gets in the way of me apologizing” or “If I think no one will know what I have done, I am not likely to apologize.” The researchers then used the answers to determine every participant’s “proclivity(倾向))to apologize,” and they cross-referenced these scores with results from a variety of personality assessments.

From the beginning, Howell was confident that people with high marks for compassion and agreeability would be willing apologizers-and the study results confirmed his hypothesis(假设). But the experiment also turned up some surprising traits of the unrepentant(不思悔改的).

People with low self-esteem, for example, are less inclined to apologize, even though they probably feel bad after a conflict. Unlike people who experience guilt about a specific action and feel sorry for the person they have wronged, individuals who experience generalized shame may actually be feeling sorry for themselves.

In contrast, “people who are sure of themselves have the capacity to confess to wrongdoing and address it,” Howell suggests. But just the right amount of self-esteem is key. The study also found that narcissists-people who, in Howell’s words, “are very egocentric, with an overly grand view of themselves”—were reluctant to offer an apology.

The researchers were most surprised to find that a strong sense of justice was negatively correlated with a willingness to apologize, perhaps suggesting that contrition(忏悔)and “an eye for an eye” philosophy are incompatible(不能并存的), Reconciliation(和解)may end a conflict, but it cannot always settle a score. 38.What kind of people are more likely to apologize? A. Intelligent people. B. Confident people.

C. People valuing fairness. D. People feeling sorry for themselves. 39.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests . A. an end of conflict doesn’t mean wrongdoers have been punished B. “an eye for an eye” philosophy cannot solve an argument C. only by deep regret can one learn the lesson of his wrongdoings D. unsatisfactory compromises cannot end a conflict peacefully

40.The study done by Andrew Howell and his colleagues reveals . A. what influences one to be a willing apologizer B. when people might apologize willingly C. what a willing apologizer is all about D. how to become a willing apologizer


It’s no surprise that Sony Corp. will finally stop producing Betamax videocassettes. Betamax transformed the world’s viewing habits 40 years ago but it was quickly beaten by another format, VHS. No new Betacam recorders have been available, even in Japan, for over 13 years. So why did the format last so long? It’s easy to blame corporate stubbornness. But the persistence of obsolescent(逐步废弃的)technologies goes beyond culture. It takes three forms:

The first is pragmatic(实用主义的). Many people, including owners of the latest devices, retain some old ones because they want to avoid some of the vulnerabilities of new equipment. Consider the often-ridiculed fax machine: A scanned document may be more convenient and cheaper to send than a fax, for example, but unencrypted(未加密的)personal information is obviously easy to hack online. Another pragmatic reason for using older devices is simply that they still work. Professional laboratory instruments and theatrical lighting systems with years of useful life ahead of them still operate with floppy disks, for