仁爱版英语七年级上册Unit1_Topic3_SectionB优质课教案 下载本文

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Unit1 Topic3 SectionB优质课教案


一、知识目标(Knowledge aims):

1.能够掌握并应用新学习的文具类单词:eraser, map, pen, desk等。

2.能够用英语熟练表达辨认物体,表示感谢和回谢的方式:What’s this in English? What’s that in English? It’s a/an ... Is this a/an…? That’s OK. You’re welcome. 3.能够正确运用特殊疑问词what导的特殊疑问句;

4.能够应用交际用语:How do you spell it? Can you spell it, please? 二、能力目标(Ability aims):

1.能听懂有关辨认物体、感谢和回谢等基本情况的简单句对话或叙述; 2.能听懂本课所学新单词,并能根据听到的词语识别或指认图片或实物; 3.能运用图文就表示辨认物体、感谢和回谢等的基本情况的话题进行简单的交流;

4.能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调; 5.能写出辨认物体的简单句;

6.能正确使用标点符号,大写句子中的首字母和人名首字母。 三、情感目标(Emotion aims):


2.使学生乐于接触并了解异国文化。 四、学习策略(Learning strategies) 1.课前预习有助于新知识的理解和掌握。 2.发表演讲之前要做好充分的准备。 五、教学手段(Teaching aids)

运用多媒体和实物教学能帮助学生理解和掌握教学内容。 学情分析



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握识别物体和询问并回答单词拼写的表达方式,如:“What’s this/that in English? It’s a/ an... How do you spell it? Can you spell it, please? 以及学习指示代词this/that,冠词a/an的区别以及表示请求表达法的对话。此外,本课还将提供针对英语句中大写字母和标点符号等书写规则的练习。 二、学生情况分析:

学生在小学学过有关文具和水果的个别单词表达,在此基础上容易接受物体的询问及其回答的学习。由于本课的学习切合学生的实际,容易操练,利用游戏,竞赛等形式让他们在乐中学。 重点难点

教学重点(Key points):

1.正确使用表示有关辨认物体、感谢和回谢等的表达方法。 2.正确使用指示代词:this, that。 教学难点(Difficult points):

1.特殊疑问词what引导的特殊疑问句; 2.理解不定冠词a和an的用法,并能正确使用。 教学过程

Stage 1 Getting students ready for learning(3 minutes)

1. Greeting: Good morning, class. Today we will have competitions during our class. Each group has a bag of candies. If one of you can answer my questions, you can put out a candy. And then you can eat them. I will give the first place a big present. Are you OK?

2. Show out some picture about students, and ask them to introduce themselves by the materials on the computer.

【设计意图;通过师生间的常规问候吸引学生的注意力回归课堂,并且呈现班级学生的照片让学生自我介绍激发学生的兴趣并吸引学生的注意力回归课堂,为本节课的学习做好准备】 Stage 2 Revision(3 minutes)

Learn the new words by cards. Teacher shows some words about objects in the picture. And ask them to stand up and say out the English quickly. Go on reading the words on the cards. If they can say out correctly, each group can get a candy.

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【设计意图:通过让学生到黑板进行书写竞赛进一步激发了学生的学习兴趣,随后单词竞赛并用实物教学的方式可以吸引学生尽快进入课堂状态,同时让学生自己去复习有关物体的单词,拉近师生间的距离,另外自己的抢答受到老师和同学的肯定使学生获得了成就感。】 Stage 3 Presentation (10 minutes)

1.利用实物和图片学习新单词,学生感知新句型“What’s this in English?”的用法,后面的学习做好准备。

①Show a real thing of an apple and ask, “What’s this in English?” Ss: An apple.

T: Yes, apple. It’s an apple. Class, “What’s this in English?” Ss: It’s an apple.(练习和检测)

②Point to another thing over there and ask: “What’s that in English?”(老师解释this指位置相对近的物体或人;that指位置相对远的物体或人). Then let students listen and follow the teacher for several times;

③教师用同样的方法教学map, pen, pencil。在前面四个单词的基础上教学eraser,注意an的用法。

④Explain how to use a and an.

⑤Ask them to do some exercises and then check.

2. Ask them to do pairs (two students in a group) and then have a competition, which group uses the least time, they will win.

【设计意图:该部分通过利用实物和图片让学生感知新词汇的能力,通过两两练习对话并计时竞赛的方式也使学生进一步深刻了解关于文具的单词。而且该部分呈现出的新词汇,为接下来导入新课的听力活动做准备。】 Stage4 Pre-listening (5 minutes)

1. Show out two questions about 1a on the computer and ask them to listen to the radio.

2. Check the answers.

3. Ask them to read the dialogue. Two groups act Wang Junfeng, and the other two groups act Jane. And then read together.

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