江苏省丹阳市丹阳中学2018届高三下学期期初三校联考英语试题 下载本文

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听力理解 (1分)01—20 BAACB ABCAB CBACA CBCAC 基础语知 (1分)21—35 BACAD BCBDC ACBDD

完型填空 (1分)36—55 BCBAD CBDAC DBADB CADBA 阅读理解 (2分)56—70 CDCDA ACADB


任务型阅读 (1分)

71. ability / capability 76. essential 书面表达(25分)

An old carpenter constructed a low-quality house before retirement. Beyond his expectation, the house was sent by the employer to him as a farewell gift.

Upon finishing the story, I am occupied by mixed feelings. I am definitely angry with the carpenter, who obviously lacked a sense of responsibility. Meanwhile, I feel quite regretful for him as well, as his good reputation collapsed due to his last stupid action.

As a matter of fact, stories of this kind frequently occur in modern society. For instance, some students cheat in exams; some businessmen sell pirated products for big profits; some public officials go corrupt regardless of their fame. All these disgraceful acts have disturbed the orders of society. We know society is based on criteria, laws and regulations, without which trouble or even catastrophes will come to us. It must be kept in mind that harm set, harm get. Whatever we do and whenever we conduct it, honesty as well as responsibility should be our ultimate pursuit. (166 words)

附:听力录音原文(2017年9月全国英语等级考试 (二级) 听力试题) ●Text 1

M: Jane, do you have a map of Manchester? I want to find a good place to eat.

W: Why not try Chinatown? There are plenty of good Chinese restaurants there, and it’s near here. ●Text 2

M: Let’s do something different for vacation this year. Oh, let’s go to Colorado. I want to learn to snowboard.

72. test 73. determine /decide 74. two 77. pay 78. difficult / tough

75. performed /did

80. enjoyable

79. assessment

W: Oh, Paul. You know I don’t like cold weather. Can’t we go someplace warm, like the beach? ●Text 3

W: This job is for three days a week: Monday, Friday, and Saturday. Are you Okay with that?

M: Mmm…I was hoping to have Saturday free. But I need the job, so…can you tell me what exactly I will do? ●Text 4

M: Do you know if John’s coming home for dinner? W: He’ll be late. He said not to wait for him. ●Text 5

W: I’m really tired from packing all these boxes for three hours. It’s about time to call it a day. M: I know. Maybe we could do it first thing tomorrow morning. W: Why not? These orders are not urgent. ●Text 6 M: Lisa? Hi! W: Hi, Ned.

M: Don’t you usually drive to work? W: Usually, but not in bad weather. M: Why is that?

W: The traffic gets a lot worse when it rains or snows. M: I always take the train. It’s a lot faster for me than driving. W: It’s faster for me, too, but the time isn’t always convenient.

M: Yeah, but think of all the things you can do on the train — read a book or the newspaper… W: Or answer my email…No thanks! My workday is long enough already. ●Text 7

W: I think the car we saw yesterday would be a good deal. What do you think? M: Yes, but I think you should ask someone to take a look at it just to be sure. W: My friend Jack knows cars, and he helped me do the check this morning. M: It was smart of you to think ahead. Have you and the salesman agreed on a price? W: Yes, he finally agreed to accept the discounted price I asked. M: Then have you thought about how to pay?

W: Well, I’ve saved up enough money to pay cash for this car.

M: Good. Let me go with you to make the payment and drive the car home for you. W: Thank you. That would make it much easier for me. M: You’re welcome. Let’s go take care of that right now. ●Text 8

M: Being away from home for college can be stressful. Besides all the pressures of study, there’s the pressure on your pocket. Today, let’s go to a university to find out. Excuse me. Can I ask you a few questions? W: Well, Okay.

M: How do you find the cost of living in this city?

W: Everything is expensive, including clothing, housing, and traveling. M: So, what do you spend most on?

W: Transport, I think. For food, if I cook myself, it’s not expensive at all. For clothing, I bring my clothes here from my home country, where they’re nice and cheap. But every week, I have to spend more than 100 pounds on the trains. M: Then what’s the social life like?

W: I’m a very social person. I love hanging out with my friends and meeting new people. Thankfully, I don’t drink nor smoke, so the only expense is maybe tickets to the cinemas, clubs, and so on. ●Text 9

W: Can you fix a time for the next meeting, Alex? How about June 12th? That’s after the trade exhibition… M: I thought something was happening on that day, Rebecca. W: Oh, yes. You’re right. The people from Head Office are coming.

M: What time does their plane arrive? Can we have the meeting in the morning?

W: No, it’s all arranged. I’m meeting them at half past ten, so I won’t be available at all that day. M: Well, let’s have the meeting earlier in June, then. The trade exhibition finishes on the third, doesn’t it? W: Yes, but we need John’s sales report for the meeting. How’s it going? M: I’m afraid John hasn’t started yet. The figures won’t be in place till next week. W: Will it be ready early in June?

M: Well, not really. He told me that he will finish them by June 10th.

W: So, we’re looking at the week starting the 17th. How about two o’clock on that day?

M: I think that’s Okay. Let’s meet here again then. ●Text 10

W: Hello, everyone. In today’s program, I’d like to share a true story of mine. One day, my friends and I had just finished lunch at a hotel when it started to rain heavily. When it became lighter, I decided to brave the rain to get my car and go home. It was parked three blocks away. My friends argued I shouldn’t go because at that time, I was due to give birth in three months. I promised I’d be very careful. One of them wanted to come with me, but I insisted she stay with another friend who needed help with her baby. When I walked to the first crossroads, a taxi stopped and a passenger came out with an umbrella. Before I knew what was happening, he walked right beside me and told me he would walk with me to where I would go. I refused, but he insisted. During our walk, he kept telling me to walk slowly. When we got to the car park, I thanked him, and we parted ways. I did not get his name and may not even recognize him now. Did he purposely stop for me? I’ll never know.