2016-2017学年辽宁省实验中学分校高二下学期期末英语试题(解析版) 下载本文

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Erik,an athletic child,lost his vision in his early teen.At first he (1) to use a walking stick or learn Braille (盲文), (2) he could do as well as any teenage.He finally came to (3) his disability,though.He couldn't play the same (4) as he used to.But then he discovered wrestling,a sport (5) sight wasn't as important as touch and (6).Then,at 16,he discovered rock climbing was like wrestling in some ways.A wrestler and a rock climber (7) information through touch.Rock climbing (8) mountain climbing,the greatest challenge of his life. Erik's teammates say he isn't different from a (9) mountaineer.The major difference is that he isn't as thin as most climbers. (10),his strong upper body,flexibility and mental toughness make him a(n) (11) climber.The only help for Erik's blindness is to place (12) on his teammates'jackets so that he can follow them (13).

Climbing Mount Everest was (14) for every climber on every team.The (15) to the mountain air for Erik was the same as it was for his teammates: (16) of oxygen causes the heart to beat slower,and the brain doesn't (17) as clearly as normal.In some ways,Erik had an advantage (18) his teammates:as they got near the top,the vision of all climbers was (19).So at a certain altitude,all his teammates were like Erik--nearly (20).

To climb Mount Everest is an achievement for any athlete.Erik showed his disability wasn't as important as his ability. 1. A. promised B. refused C. demanded D. decided 2. A. insisting B. praying C. admitting D. appealing 3. A. ignore B. consider C. overcome D. accept 4. A. cards B. parts C. sports D. jokes 5. A. that B. where C. what D. whose 6. A. feel B. thought C. smell D. taste 7. A. give B. store C. get D. exchange 8. A. fell behind B. lay in C. depend on D. led to 9. A. disabled B. sighted C. satisfied D. determined 10. A. However B. Besides C. Therefore D. Otherwise 11. A. amateur B. optimistic C. responsible D. perfect 12. A. ropes B. flags C. bells D. marks 13. A. casually B. easily C. eagerly D. slowly 14. A. challenging B. compulsory C. optional D. comforting 15. A. application B. limitation C. adaptation D. reaction 16. A. lack B. change C. supply D. existence 17. A. survive B. function C. recover D. refresh 18. A. against B. to C. over D. with 19. A. wasted B. broadened C. improved D. restricted 20. A. hopeless B. dizzy C. blind D. dead 【答案】 【小题1】B 【小题6】A

【小题2】A 【小题7】C

【小题3】D 【小题8】D

【小题4】C 【小题9】B

【小题5】B 【小题10】A


【小题11】D 【小题16】A

【小题12】C 【小题17】B

【小题13】B 【小题18】C

【小题14】A 【小题19】D

【小题15】D 【小题20】C

【解析】41-60 BADCB ACDBA DCBAD ABCDC 41.B考查动词辨析A.promised承诺;B.refused拒绝;C.demanded要求;D.decided决定;句意:首先他拒绝用拐杖或学习盲文,坚持跟正常的孩子一样,故选B. 42.A考查动词辨析A.insisting 坚持;B.praying祈祷;C.admitting承认;D.appealing同意;句意:首先他拒绝用拐杖或学习盲文,坚持跟正常的孩子一样.故选A.


44.C考查名词辨析A.cards卡片;B.parts 部分;C.sports 运动;D.jokes玩笑;句意:他不能像以前一样的参加运动,故选C.

45.B考查定语从句;句意:但后来他发明了一个新的运动---摔跤,在摔跤中视力跟触觉不是那么的重要,先行词是wrestling,在这个运动中,故用where来引导.故选B. 46.A考查动词辨析A.feel感觉;B.thought认为;C.smell闻到;D.taste尝起来;句意:但后来他发明了一个新的运动---摔跤,在摔跤中视力跟触觉不是那么的重要.故选A.

47.C考查动词辨析A.give给;B.store储存;C.get得到;D.exchange交换;句意:摔跤手和攀岩者可以通过触觉得到信息.故选C. 48.D考查动词短语辨析A.fell behind落后;B.lay in贮存;C.depend on依靠;D.led to导致;句意:攀岩促使爬山,给了他人生最大的挑战,故选D.

49.B考查形容词辨析A.disabled残疾的;B.sighted有视力的;C.satisfied满意的;D.determined有决心的;句意:他的队友说他不同于有视力的爬山者,根据Erik,an athletic child,lost his vision in his early teen可知选B项. 50.A考查副词辨析A.However然而;B.Besides况且;C.Therefore因此;D.Otherwise否则;句意:然而,他强壮的上体,灵活性和精神上的坚强使他成为一个完美的爬山者,故选A.


52.C考查名词辨析A.ropes绳子;B.flags旗;C.bells铃;D.marks标记分数;句意:对于他的眼盲唯一的帮助是在同伴的夹克里放一个铃为的是他能很容易地跟着他们,故选C. 53.B考查副词辨析A.casually随便地;B.easily 容易地;C.eagerly 迫切地;D.slowly慢慢地;句意:对于他的眼盲唯一的帮助是在同伴的夹克里放一个铃为的是他能很容易地跟着他们,故选B.

54.A考查形容词辨析A.challenging有挑战性的;B.compulsory义务的;C.optional有潜能的;D.comforting舒适的;句意:爬珠穆朗玛峰对每个爬山者来说都是有挑战的,故选A. 55.D考查名词辨析A.application申请;B.limitation限制;C.adaptation适应;D.reaction反应;句意:艾瑞克对于大山空气的反应与他的队友是一样的,氧气的减少会导致心跳变慢,大脑不能和平时那样清醒,故选D.


57.B 考查名词辨析A.survive幸存;B.function 功能;C.recover恢复;D.refresh使恢复;句意:艾瑞克对于大山空气的反应与他的队友是一样的,氧气的变化会导致心跳变慢,大脑不能像平时的功能那样清醒,故选B.


58.C.考查介词辨析及语境理解A.against 反对B.to为了 C.over超过 D.with与;句意:在许多方面他都比队友有优势,因为当他们靠近山顶时,爬山视力都是有限制的.Have an advantage over对..有优势的,故选C. 59.D考查动词辨析A.wasted浪费;B.broadened扩大;C.improved 提高;D.restricted限制;句意:在许多方面他都比队友有优势,因为当他们靠近山顶时,爬山的视力都是有限制的,故选D.

60.C考查形容词辨析A.hopeless没有希望的;B.dizzy晕眩的;C.blind 瞎

的; D.dead 死的;句意:因此在一定的纬度,所有的队友象艾瑞克一样,几乎是看不见,故选C.





Some time ago I discovered that one of my chairs had a broken leg.I didn't think there would be any difficulty in getting it repaired,as there are a lot of antique (古董) shops near my home.So I left home one morning carrying the chair with me.I went into the first shop expecting a friendly reception(接待).I was quite wrong.The man wouldn't even look at my chair.

The second shop,though slightly more polite,was just the same,and the third and the fourth-so I decided that my approach must be wrong.

I entered the fifth shop with a plan in my mind.I placed the chair on the floor and said to the shopkeeper,\?\

He looked it over carefully and said,\,not a bad chair.How much do you want for it,sir?\


\,\,\.\ \.\. \,I saw that,it's nothing.\

Everything was going according to my plan and l was getting excited.\it?\.

\,it will be easy to sell once the repair is done.\ \,\.

\?You've just sold it to me,\. \,I know but I've changed my mind.I am sorry.I'll give you twenty-seven pounds for it.\ \.\.Then, suddenlythe penny dropped.\want.You want me to repair your chair.\

\,\.\,\you repair this chair for me?\

\.\.\,not enough money in it and too much trouble.But I'll repair this for you.Shall we say for five pounds?\man and was greatly amused by the whole thing.

21. We can learn from the text that in the first shop the writer ______ .