(四川省专用)高三英语二轮专题复习专题三短文写作综合练(三)(教师版) 下载本文

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Tom的父母来中国工作,于是Tom也跟随他们来中国学习。这样的外国学生在中国的学校里越来越多,他们急于了解中国文化和生活习俗,对一切都很好奇。一天,Tom在网上看到下面的连环画,不理解,通过电子邮件发给我,让我给他解释一下。 词数:100左右。

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


1.They sat together around the table,with ________________ (门关着).(shut) 2.I can’t go out to play,with ________________ (如此多作业要做).(do) 3.The children came running toward us,with ________________ (手里拿着花).(hand) 4.With ________________ (考试结束),we had a long time to rest.(over) 5.With ________________ (这么多人来到现场),I felt nervous.(present)

6.Staying in a hotel for a day costs ________________ (两倍) renting a house in the country for a week.(as)

7.Paper produced every year is ________________ (是??三倍重) the world’s population of vehicles.(weight)

8.—How did you find your visit to the museum?

—I really enjoyed it.It was ________________________ (比我预料的有趣多了).(than)

9.We have produced ________________ (两倍多的棉花) this year as we did last year.(twice)

10.Have you got anything ________ (要做) this evening?(do)



1.________________________ (正因为她没经验) that she didn’t know how to deal with the situation.

2.He is said ________________________ (派往) London already.(send)

3.The news reporters hurried to the airport,________________ (结果被告知) the film stars had left.(tell)

4.I had nothing to do but ________________ (待在家里) for another year,waiting for a chance.(stay)

5.________________ (居住) in New York for years,I know each part of it very well.(live)

6.________________ (一直没有收到) any letter from him for so long,I gave him a call.(receive)

7.________________ (下定决心改变),he entered a hospital-based diet program and dropped over 70 pounds.(determine)

8.________________________________ (所有的票都卖出去了),we had to wait for the next week’s show.(sell)

9.The river looks more beautiful,________________________________________________ (两岸长满了鲜花和绿草).(grow)

10.She’ll ________________ (让你站) all the time if you don’t listen to her.(have)


1.When you phoned yesterday,I ________________________ (在下象棋) with my daughter.(play)

2.Frank was about to leave ________________________ (这时他注意到地板上有封信).(lie)

3.Great changes in every field ________________ (发生) in the last ten years.(take) 4.My hands are dirty;I ____________________ (一直在漆门).(paint) 5.I ________________________ (自学完数学) by the age of fourteen.(learn) 6.By next week,we ________________________ (将学完2 000个生词).(learn) 7.I ________________________ (遭遇大雪) in the course of climbing Mount Tai.(get) 8.His work ________________ (得到高度的评价) by the experts.(think)

9.I went to school on foot this morning,because my bike ________________ (正在修理).(repair)

10.By the time the fire men arrived at the building,the fire ________________ (已被扑灭了) by the nearby citizens.(put)




辨析 这两个词都表示“活着的,有生命的”的意思,但用法有所不同。 (1)alive是表语形容词,放在系动词之后,不能放在它所修饰的名词之前。 He is the only man alive who could do it.

(2)living既可用作表语形容词,又可用作定语形容词,故可放在它所修饰的名词之前。 English is a living language.

(3)就使用场合而言,alive多用于人,用作比喻或强调时也用于物;living主要用作定语,修饰人或物均可。就词性而言,alive只能用作形容词,不能作名词;living既可作形容词,又可作名词。 2.alone,lone,lonely

辨析 (1)alone只表示“单独无伴”,不表示心理上的“孤独”,只能作表语或状语,不能作定语。

(2)lone也表示“单独无伴”,只用作定语。 (3)lonely表示心理上的“孤独”或地点的“荒凉”。 He lived alone on a lonely island as a lone man. 3.loud,loudly,aloud

辨析 (1)loud大声地,响亮地,修饰动词一般用loud而不用loudly,尤其是在非正式谈话中。常与loud连用的动词有talk,laugh,speak,shout等。 (2)loudly高声地,有时可与loud通用,但更侧重“喧闹”的意思。 Don’t talk so loud/loudly.

(3)aloud出声地,又有使声音被对方听到的意思,往往与read连用。 Please read the passage aloud. 4.cross,across,crossing

辨析 (1)cross作动词用时,意思是“横过”。cross作名词用时,指“十字形的东西”。 They are crossing the river.

(2)across可作介词或副词,意为“横穿,横过”。 They pushed the cart across the bridge. (3)crossing意为“十字路口,人行横道”。 They are standing at a crossing. 5.at a distance,in the distance

辨析 (1)at a distance是“从远处”的意思,表示一定的距离、近距离或具体的距离,其不定冠词a有时可以省略或是改为some。