英语人教版三年级上册六年级英语上册第四单元A. Let's learn 下载本文

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PEP六年级Unit 4 I have a pen pal

A Let’s learn


1.能够听、说、认读句子:What are your hobbies? I like reading stories. I also like singing and doing kung fu.

2.能够听、说、认读动词及短语的ing形式:dancing,singing,reading stories,playing football,doing kung fu. 二、教学重、难点分析

1.本课时的教学重点是掌握五个动词(短语)的ing形式。 2.本课时的教学难点是掌握also,dancing,hobbies的读音。 三、课前准备

1.教师准备A部分Let's learn的单词卡片。 2. 四线格黑板贴。 3. ppt 四、教学步骤

1. Warming up

(1)Revision: Read aloud复习以前学过的现在分词 (2)Listen to a song 《My new pen pal 》


看完《My new pen pal 》视频后,师说:What are they doing? They are singing and dancing. They like singing and dancing. I like singing and dancing, too. They are my hobbies. Do you know hobbies? 引出hobbies。并教学hobby 与hobbies.

2. Presentation

《勇士闯关》之第一关:I can guess(学习五个动词的ing形式与句子。)

(1)sing and singing

用ppt出示图片让学生猜,师说:This is a music class. What can you do ? 生答:I can sing.

接着师又问:Do you like singing? 引出singing.生答后,进行singing的教学,拼读与识记。 (2)dance与dancing

用ppt出示图片让学生猜,师说:This is a dancing class. What can they do ? 生答:They can dance.

接着师又问:I like dancing. Do you like dancing? 引出dancing.生答后,进行dancing的教学,拼读与识记。 (3) What are your hobbies? I like…and…

出示singing与dancing的图片问学生:What are your hobbies? 引出本课时的重点问答句并进行教学。 (4)read stories 与 reading stories

继续闯关进行猜的游戏:This is a Chinese class.What can she do? 生答:She can read stories.师问:Is she reading stories?引出reading stories并教学。

师问:Do you like reading stories? Do you like PE class? OK,Let’s go!

(5)play football与playing football

ppt出示一幅体育场的图片师说:This is a PE class.What can we

do? 生答:We can play football. 师问:Do you like playing football?引出playing football进行教学。

(6)do kung fu与doing kung fu

师说:In the PE class,we can also do kungfu. Look at the picture. Is it doing kungfu?引出doing kungfu进行教学。

(预设:学生已学过sing, dance, read stories, play football, do

kungfu这几个动词,所以针对老师提出的问题:What can you/ we/ she/ they do?时他们会回答I can …) 3.Consolidation 《勇士闯关》之第二关:

(1)Let’s chant

What are your hobbies?What are your hobbies? Singing, singing ,I like singing. Dancing, dancing, I like dancing. Reading, reading. I like reading stories. Playing, playing, I like playing football Doing, doing, I like doing kung fu. (2)Say and do (3)Sharp eyes

(4)Read and choose the right words (5)Listen and number 《勇士闯关》之第三关:

总结规律 (1)