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人教版高中英语选修八 Unit3 Inventors and inventions 导学案 1

Unit 3 Period 1 Warming up and reading

2015-2016学年 第 二 学期 高二 年级 英语 组 编写者 司马鹤伟 审核者 毛铭钦 课型 新授课


1.了解科学中发现与发明创造的区别,以及发明产生的过程和专利认定的标准。 2.掌握本单元教学目的和要求中的词汇、短语的用法。 3.熟练掌握过去分词做定语、表语和宾语补足语的用法。 4.进一步熟悉打电话用语和书信格式,并懂得如何写求职信。

学习方法: 自主探究 ---小组讨论 --- 合作探究 --- 分组展示 --- 巩固训练


distinguish___________ merciful___________ product_________ convenient___________ caution_________ expectation___________ seize___________ file_________ freezing__________ bear(bore,borne)_________ current__________ associate__________ patent_________ courtyard___________ walnut__________ powder_________ perfume___________ stainless___________ cube_________ cubic___________ abrupt______________(adv.)________________ passive_______________ merry___________(adv.)__________ valid______________ ripe__________ greengrocer____________ identification___________ dial_________ rainfall___________ innocent____________ lantern__________ jam___________ forehead__________ dynamic_____________ wire_________ straw_______________ triangle____________ stable____________ practical___________ court__________ extension___________ version_________ competence___________ personnel_______ work out_________ go through__________ call up__________ now and then_______ set about_________ in case_________ dive into_________ set out (to do)_________ hang on__________ out of order_________ get through_________ ring off_____________ ring back______ 1. The first thing I did was to see if there were any products that might help me, but there only seemed to be powders designed to kill snakes. 2. Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor. 3. Nor will you receive a patent until a search has been made to find out that your product really is different from everyone else’s. 4. Follow it up, explore all around it, and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. 5. The day is coming when telegraph wires will be laid on to houses just like water or gas. 6. The patent was given in 1876, but it was not until five days later that Bell sent his first telephone message to his assistant Watson. 重点单词 重点短语 重点句式 复习检测

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人教版高中英语选修八 Unit3 Inventors and inventions 导学案 2


1. It doesn’ t make a ________ (differ) to me whether you are going to stay.

2. We should take measures to ________﹙禁止﹚returning illegal oil to dinner tables.

3. He ________﹙欠﹚ his deskmate some money. E________﹙准确地﹚speaking, 112yuan. 4. This question is quite s ,while that one is much more complicated 5. The film was a _________ (商业的) success.

6. The media has a m____ responsibility to report news truthfully.

7. In many aspects natural clones, such as identical twins, do not d____ greatly from man-made ones.

8. Her memory is so excellent that she could remember the e____ names.

9. Grey decided to move to the countryside and his wife made no o________ to it.

10. According to the constitution, it is compulsory for a citizen to u________ military service. II.选择表格内的短语填空 strike ... into your heart, cast down, in vain, in favor of, depend on, in place 1. She was _____________ by her husband's death. 2. All of them were strongly______________ the project.

3 You’d better put things back _________. Otherwise,it will be difficult to find out. 4. Whether we can go out_____________ the weather.

5. Jane, I think by doing so he is trying to _____________ terror _____________.


自主探究 一Discuss the questions in warming up on page 19. 自主探究 二 Pre- reading

Do you know the stages every inventor must go through before they can have their invention approved?Look at the list and work out a suitable order.

Applying for a patent Finding a problem Doing research Testing the solution

Thinking of a creative solution Deciding on the invention

1__________ 2__________ 3__________

4__________ 5__________ 6__________ 来 自主探究 三Fast reading

(1)Part I (Para.1) A. The attempts to catch the snakes.

(2) Part II (Paras .2~3) B. The discovery of the problem of the snakes. (3) Part III (Paras.4~6) C. The requirement of getting a patent.

(4) Part IV (Paras.7~8) D . The research on the approaches to solving the


自主探究 四Careful reading

I. Read the passage again and then choose the best answer according to the text. (1) The purpose in writing this passage is ______.

A. to show us how to trap the snakes but not to kill them

B. to tell people how to apply for a patent of the writer’s new idea

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人教版高中英语选修八 Unit3 Inventors and inventions 导学案 3

C. to introduce the writer’s new idea of trapping the snakes and her application for a patent

D. to tell the reader how to get a new idea and make it a patent (2) What’s the biggest advantage of the writer’s new idea?

A. It makes the snakes move slowly. B. It makes the snakes hardly bite us.

C. It is easier for us to kill the snakes without killing them. D. It is easier for us to catch the snakes without killing them. (3) The snakes were finally caught by ______.

A. hitting them with a stick

B. cooling them and catching them with a net C. putting them into a schoolbag D. watering them with cool water

(4) You won’t get a patent before you ______.

A. make an invention B. catch all the snakes

C. learn to operate a computer D. get rid of your bad habits

(5) According to the text, which subject do you think can be given a patent?

A. A new star discovered by a scientist. B. A new novel written by Huo Da.

C. A new way to make dirty water clean.

D. A new kind of grass found in a mountain which can be used as a medicine. 合作探究 五 Summary

1.______the writer called up her mother in the country on the phone, she learned that snakes came near their house and they seemed 2.______ (make) their home near their house. The writer felt proud and considered 3.______ a chance for her to distinguish 4.______ by inventing something 5.______ would catch snakes but not harm them. She decided to cool them so that they could be 7.______ (easy) caught. However, her first two plans were not successful. As a result, she had to attempt 8.______ third time, which helped her fulfill her aim successfully. She was so 9.______ (delight) that she was determined to send her 10.______ (invent) to the patent office to get recognition for her successful idea.



1.Did you take out a________(专利)on your design? 2.I was surprised by the a________ change of subject. 3.He drove his car with________(谨慎).

4.She ate a light lunch in e________ of a good dinner. 5.He buried the treasure to prevent its d________.

6.People who cannot d________ between colours are said to be colour-blind.

7.Will it be c________ for you to come in the morning?

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人教版高中英语选修八 Unit3 Inventors and inventions 导学案 4

8.S________ the chance, otherwise you'll regret it.

9.Tonight the temperature will fall to 3 degrees below f________. 10.He emphasized the i________ of careful driving.

11.Can you provide any evidence that he was i________ of the crime? 12.Most of the important cities of the world suffer from traffic j________. 13.The strong c________ carried the boat downstream. 14.We a________ China with the Greet Wall.

15.At first thought, the plan was quite________(切合实际的).

16.You will get a bank card with a Personal ________(身份)Number, which you must remember. 17.A________(稳定的) government is essential to economic growth. 18.Brody reached into the________(冰箱) and pulled out a beer.

19.The Chinese v________ of the English novel appeared in the early 1950s. 20.What c________ do you use when judging the quality of a student's work? II.语法填空

Mary will never forget the first time she saw him. He suddenly appeared in class one day, 1 (wear)sun glasses. He walked in as if he 2 (buy)the school. And the word quickly got around that he was from New York City.

For some reason he sat beside Mary. Mary felt 3 (please), because there were many empty seats in the room. But she quickly realized that it wasn’t her, it was probably the fact that she sat in 4 last row.

5 he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back, he was wrong. It might have made it a little 6 (hard)for everybody because it meant they had to turn around, but that didn’t stop the kids in the class. Of course whenever they turned to look at him, they had to look at Mary, 7 made her feel like a star.

“Do you need those glasses for medical reasons?” the teacher asked. The new boy shook his head. “Then I’d appreciate it if you didn’t wear them in class. I like to look at your eyes when I’m

speaking to you. ”The new boy looked at the teacher 8 a few seconds and all the other students wondered 9 the boy would do. Then he took 10 off, gave a big smile and said,“That’s cool. ”

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Unit3 Period 2 Language points导学案

2015-2016学年 第 二 学期 高二 年级 英语 组 编写者司马鹤伟 审核者 毛铭钦 课型 新授课

人教版高中英语选修八 Unit3 Inventors and inventions 导学案 5


学习方法: 自主探究 ---小组讨论 --- 合作探究 --- 分组展示 --- 巩固训练


重点单词 重点短语 distinguish, merciful, product, convenient, caution, expectation, seize, file, freezing, bear, current, associate work out, go through, call up, now and then, set about, in case, dive into, set out, hang on, out of order, get through, ring back, ring off 1. The first thing I did was to see if there were any products that might help me, but there only seemed to be powders designed to kill snakes. 2. Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor. 3. Nor will you receive a patent until a search has been made to find out that your product really is different from everyone else’s. 重点句式 效果展示 I. 词汇知识

1. ______________ n.专利证书;专利权 2. ______________ vt. & vi. 辨别 3. ______________adj. 仁慈的;慈悲的 4. _____________n. 产品

5. _________________adj. 便利的,方便的 6. ________________ n.小心,谨慎 7._______________n. 预料,期待,期望 8. ________________n. 文件,档案, 文件夹

9. ________________adv.消极的,被动的 10. ________________n. 鉴定,辨认,确定 11. ______________vt. 抓住,捉住,夺 12. ______________ vt. 忍受 13. ____________adj. 清白的,无辜的,天真的14. ______________ adj. 冰冻的,严寒的 15. ____________adv. 高兴地,愉快地 16. ____________n. 庭院,院子,天井 17. ___________vt. 拨(电话) 18. __________n. & vt. 要求,声称,主张 II. 短语必背

1.给……打电话 ___________________ 2.偶尔,有时 _______________ 3开始,着手 _______________ 4.挂断电话 _______________

5.回复电话 _______________ 6.设法联系上,做完,通过 _________________ 7.次序颠倒,发生故障 _________________ 8.不挂断 ________________

9.开始做 ____________________ 10.迅速把手伸入,一心投入 _______________ III. 必背句型

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