上海市金山区2015年中考一模(即期末)英语试题(有答案) 下载本文

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Flexibility is the main advantage. Students can attend school wherever and whenever they desire. ___76____, many online schools will allow students to work at their own pace.

Another advantage of online schooling is with the __77___ of courses. Most online schools teach the same basic classes like English, math, science, and history. Some online schools also offer specialized classes in subjects such as space science. French, or zoology. However, ____78___ schools are often unable to offer these types of classes if there are not enough students.

Online schools also have different types of learning tools for kids to use. For example, many online schools have special Web sites where only students registered in online classes can watch videos, see lessons presented, or chat with teachers and other students. Some online schools have live class times where students can call and talk with the teacher ____79____. Other online schools even have online clubs where kids can talk about their hobbies.

Computer technology is amazing, and we use computers for chatting with our friends, listening to music, and playing games. It affects almost every part of our lives including school. Since 2006, at least 38 states either have their own online schools or made rules for ___80___ to attend them. It looks like online schools are here to stay, but only you can decide if this type of learning is right for you.

7A) comes to B) comes up C) cones true D) cones on 5. life

7A) In return B) First of all C) What’s more D) As a result 6.

7A) difference B) variety C) text D) writing 7.

D) poor 7A) traditional B) foreigh C) famous


D) exactly 7A) directly B) quickly C) carefully


D) students 8A) scientists B) workers C) teachers


C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

Once upon a time, there was a hippo. He lived in a river next to a big tree.

One day, a bird came and nested in the tree. The bird had a beautiful voice. She sang every morning and many other animals came to appreciate her songs. The hippo was so jealous (嫉妒) of the bird's sweet voice that he couldn't think of anything else. He was u___81___ about being a hippo. He wished he were a bird. After knowing that, the bird came to the hippo and tried to cheer him up. She told the hippo that he was so lucky to be so big. More importantly, he was s__82___ a good swimmer. But the bird's words didn't work. The hippo was still unhappy. He was so eager to be a good singer like the bird.

Finally, the hippo made a decision. He would come out of the river, climb the tree, stand on the branch and start singing. He tried hard to climb the tree, but he f___83___ because he didn't have wings or claws to climb with.

The hippo felt so frustrated. He knew he would never make it, so he angrily used all his s___84___ to push down the tree. Now he could stand on the tree. The hippo felt like a w__85___. He began singing.

Unfortunately, the hippo couldn't sing, either. All that came from his mouth were terrible noises. When other animals heard him singing, they w___86___ what was happening. After seeing the hippo standing on the branch of a fallen tree and trying to sing like a bird, they all laughed.

The hippo was greatly embarrassed by this. He decided to never again regret being a hippo. He also felt bad about having knocked the tree over. He used all his strength to raise the tree back up again, replant it, and look after it until it c___87___ recovered.

D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题) (12分)

A boy called Mario had many friends, and he was proud of it. Whoever he met, he would like to show off(炫耀) how popular he was at school.

One day, his grandpa said to him, “Mario, I know that you don’t have as many friends as you think. Many of

them are not true to you.”

Mario thought maybe his grandpa was right. However, he wasn’t sure how he could test whether his schoolmates were real friends or not, so he asked his grandpa. The old man answered, “I have just exactly what you need. It’s in my room. Wait a minute.” The old man left, soon returning as if(好像) carrying something in his hand, but Mario could see nothing there.

“Take it. It’s a very special chair. Because it’s invisible, it will be hard for you to sit on it. However, if you manage to sit on it, you can use the chair’s magic power(力量) to tell who your real friends are.”

The next day Mario took the strange invisible chair to school. At break time he asked everyone to form a circle, and he put himself in the middle, with his chair.

“Nobody move. You’re about to see something amazing,” said Mario. Then he tried sitting on the chair. Having difficulty seeing it, he missed and fell to the ground. Everyone had a pretty good laugh. “Wait, wait,” said Mario, making another try. But again he missed the seat.

Mario didn’t give up. He kept trying to sit on the magic chair. Finally, he did it. This time he felt himself in mid-air.

Then he experienced the magic that his grandpa had been talking about. Looking around, Mario saw George, Lucas and Diana holding him up, so he wouldn’t fall. But some schoolmates whom he had regarded as friends had done nothing but made fun of him. Mario was quite thankful to his grandpa, who helped him test who his true friends were.

88. Mario was proud of having many friends, wasn’t he?

_________, __________________. 89. What did Grandpa think of Mario’s friends?

Grandpa thought _____________________________. 90. What did Mario ask Grandpa to tell him?

To tell him the way to ____________________________________________. 91. What did Mario take to school the next day?

He __________________________________________. 92. Why could Mario sit on the magic chair at last?

__________________________________________________________________________. 93. According to Mario’s grandpa, which are true friends? Which are not?

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. VII. Writing(作文):(共20分)

94. Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “One problem /question I met in my English study”. according to the situation given (请根据所给情形,以“我在英语学习中碰到的一个问题”为题,写一篇不少于60个字的短文。要求内容切题、语言地道、表达流畅)





can(not), understand, (don’t) know, read…correctly, remember, write, ask



Part 2:

26——30:A D C D A 30——35:A D C D B 36——40:C B A B B 41——45:C C C D A 46——50:D B E C C 51——53:A B D

54. forth 55. his 56. conclusions 57. serve 58. attraction 59. breathe 60. basic 61. recently 62. Did find 63. Why do 64. how to 65. was threw

66. so that 67. whether liked 68. My wish is to become a doctor in the future. Part 3:

69~74 BDBABC 75~80 CCBAAD

81 unhappy 82 such 83 failed 84 strength 85 winner 86 wondered 87 completely 88. Yes, he was.

89. Grandpa thought Mario hadn’t as many friends as he thought.

90. To tell him the way to test whether his classmates were real friends or not. 91. He took the strange invisible chair to school. 92. Because George, Lucas and Diana held him up.

93. George, Lucas and Diana are his true friends. (Those who help you when you are in trouble.) Those who don’t help you when you are in trouble. (此题为开放题)