智能红外遥控电风扇系统的设计解析 下载本文

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泰 山 学 院 本 科 毕 业 设 计


所 在 学 院 机械与工程学院 专 业 名 称 机械设计制造及其自动化 申请学士学位所属学科 工 学 年 级 二〇一〇级 (3+2) 学生姓名、学号 王晓彬 2010170018 指导教师姓名、职称 张秀红 讲师 完 成 日 期 二〇一二年五月









With the popularity of air conditioners, the market position of the electric fans which are the traditional household appliances will receive a huge impact, the traditional on / off and speed control function have been unfit for the needs of the market. It is hoped that the fans in small, easy to operate, and so on the basis can have more features. When the application of infrared remote control becomes wilder and

The design was based on the needs of the market. Considering that infrared remote control is simple, easy to operate, low-cost, I use a special launching and receiving chip which depends on remote control. On the basis of this chip a system of intelligent infrared remote-control was designed for the fan. The system consists of the launching part and the receiving part. This system is designed to achieve some basic functions of fans: on / off function, three kinds of speed, the timing function which can be chosen at different times of 0.5-7.5 hours, and the function of two kinds of wind which are the natural wind and the normal wind.

Key words: Infrared Remote Control, Signal Modulation, Encoding, Decoding

technologies of SCM become mature, the remote control system is the trend.