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双基限时练(二) Unit 1 Part Ⅱ


1.— I dreamed of some animals running on the moon.

— It ________ (not) be. There is no air or water on the moon, you know.

答案与解析 can't 答语中后面一句话的意思是“你知道的,月球上没有空气和水”。can't表示理论上的不可能,符合语意。

2.Tom ________ not show his exam results to his parents. 答案与解析 dare 情态动词dare常用于否定句、疑问句及条件句中,没有人称和数的变化,其否定式是在dare后接not,再接动词原形。

3.— ________ you interrupt now? Can't you see I'm on the phone?

— Sorry, Sir, but it's urgent.

答案与解析 Must 句意:——你偏要现在打扰我吗?难道你没有看到我正在打电话吗?——对不起,先生,但是情况太紧急了。must“偏要;硬要”。

4.Just as we were sitting down to have dinner, the telephone ________ ring.

答案与解析 must 此处的must表示“偏偏”。句意:我们刚坐下来吃饭,电话偏偏就响了起来。

5.— Who has broken the window in my room? — Who else ________ (do) it but your naughty son!

答案与解析 could have done 该题考查情态动词。该题是对过去发生的事情的推测,因此应该用could have done。

6.I ________ (not) thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home.

答案与解析 can't 句意:我们不在家时,你对我儿子的帮助,我怎样感谢你都不过分。can't ... too much“无论怎样……也不过分”。

7.The exam was very difficult but everyone ________ (able) pass it.

答案与解析 was able to 句意:这次考试非常难,但每一个人最后都通过了。was/were able to表示有而且实施了某种能力,含有成功做成某事的意味。

8.I'll let you see the patient in an hour if you ________ wait here. 答案与解析 will 句意:如果你愿意在这里等的话,一个小时后就让你见病人。will在此表示意志或意愿,情态动词will可用于条件状语从句中。

9.It's quite warm here; we ________ (not) turn the heating on yet. 答案与解析 needn't 句意:这里相当暖和,我们没有必要还开着暖气。needn't“不必”。

10.Whenever he was short of money, the girl ________ lend him some to help him out.

答案与解析 would 句意:不管什么时候他缺钱,这个女孩都会借给他一些帮助他解决困难。表示过去时间内经常做的事用would。

11.The composition ________be finished today. We were asked to hand it in tomorrow.

答案 must

12.What ________ be done to solve this problem?All of the students are thinking it over in class.

答案 can

13.“________ we borrow the books from the library?” Susan asked the librarian.

答案 Can

14.I'm afraid I ________ be leaving. 答案 must

15.You ________ never succeed if you do not work hard. 答案 will

16.You ________ go to the station earlier, or you will miss the train.

答案 should

17.It's nearly time for class. The teacher ________ be here soon. 答案 should

18.—Could I use your telephone? —Yes, of course you ________! 答案 can

19.—________ you like to see the film? —Yes, I'd like to. 答案 Would

20.________ you tell me what has happened? 答案 Could


W: Where are you going to spend your holiday this year, Bob? M: We __1__ go abroad, but I'm not so sure. W: What do you mean?

M: Well, my wife's talking about Egypt recently. She __2__ want