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D. his successful lectures

( ) 53. Which if the following novels made him famous?

A. Tom Sawyer

B. Huckleberry Finn

C. Life on the Mississippi D. Both A the B

( ) 54. Mark Twain’s life as a writer started_____ .

A. when be vas a boy B. before he got married C. after he got married D. when he got married

( ) 55.From the story we can learn that Mark Twain

A. was a good speaker B. was a good reader

C. was a poor newspaper man D. could draw wonderful pictures Task 3 (3point each; 15 points in all)

Directions: This task is the same as Task I (No. 56 through No.60)

Money is used for buying or selling goods, for measuring value and for storing wealth. However, in primitive societies a system of barter was used. Barter was a system of direct exchange of goods. Somebody could exchange a sheep, for example, for anything in the market place that he or she considered to be of equal value. Barter, however, was a very unsatisfactory system of exchange, and various money systems developed based on goods that the members of a society recognized as having value. Cattle, grain, teeth, shells, salt, and tobacco had all been used. Precious metals gradually took over because, when made into coins, they were portable, durable, recognizable, and divisible into larger and smaller units of value.

A coin is a piece of metal, usually disc-shaped, which bears lettering, designs or numbers showing its value. Until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, coins were given monetary worth based on the exact amount of metal contained in them, but most modern coins are based on face value –the value that the governments choose to give them, which doesn’t show the actual metal content. Coins have been made of gold, silver, copper, plastic and in China even from tealeaves. Most governments now issue paper money in the form of bills, which are really “promises to pay.” Paper money is obviously easier to handle and much more convenient in the modern world. Checks and credit cards are being used increasingly, and it is possible to imagine a would where “money” in the form of coins and paper currency will no longer be used. Even today, in the United States, many places, especially filling stations will not accept cash at night for security reasons. ( ) 56. “Barter”(in Line 2,Paragraph 1) here means _______.

A. exchanging goods for money B. exchanging goods for goods

C. exchanging a sheep for anything in the market D. exchanging money for goods

( ) 57. Why were precious metals gradually used for making coins?

A. Because they were durable and portable B. Because they were recognizable

C. Because they were divisible D. All of the above

( ) 58. Coins were given value according to the exact amount of metals contained in them____.

A. before the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries B. after the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries C. during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries D. between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

( ) 59. “Promises to pay” (Lines 6-7, Paragraph 2) means_______. A. possibilities to pay B. necessities to pay C. obligations to pay D. opportunities to pay

( ) 60. A world without any money in the from of coins and paper is________. A. suitable B. possible C. necessary D. avoidable Task 4 (3 points each; 15 points in all)

Directions: This task is the same as Task I (No. 61 through No.65)

In most lectures, several main ideas are presented. These are the concepts (思想)the lecturer wants the students to remember. Often the lecturer has a general idea that serves as an “umbrella” covering the other main concepts. The students’ job, then, is to pick out the main concepts, including the “umbrella” ideal.

Lecturers usually begin with an introduction. Sometimes the main concepts and the “umbrella” idea are briefly presented in the introduction; often they are not. Next comes the body of the lecture. It is here that the several main concepts are always presented. The final part of a lecture, the conclusion, is traditionally a summary of the main concepts. This is also the place where the “umbrella” idea can most easily be repeated, restated, restated, or even introduced for the first time.

When a lecture is well organized, with a clear-cut beginning, middle and end, the main ideas are usually easy to pock out. When a lecture is not well organized, getting the gist of what is being said is quite difficult. Some lecturers are “long-winded”, taking a long time to come to the point. Others ramble on (杂乱地漫谈)and never seem to come to the point at all.

61. While listening to a lecture, the students are expected to remember________.

62. A lecture is usually made up of three parts-, ______ and _______ according to this passage. 63. Sometimes, both ______ and _______of a lecture are put forward in the introduction.

64. A lecture with a neatly-planned _______ , _______ and ________ is said to be a well organized lecture.

65. The summary is in _______ of a lecture and it is also the place where the ______ is mostly mentioned again.

IV. Translation (35 points)

(I)Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese (4 points each for No. 66 through No. 68; 6 points for No. 69; 18 points in all) mentioned again

66. There is no general agreement about what can and should be done to solve the problem of pollution.

67. Such networks as have been designed specially to enable people to send message to each other by computers are known as E-mail.

68. of all living things, only human beings can choose where and how they want to live and then modify the physical environment to help themselves realize these choices.

69. Some people believe that it is necessary for the government to take an active role in population planning because many people will not limit themselves to just one or two children.

(II)Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English (4 points each for No.70 through No. 72; 5 points for No.73; 17 points in all) 70. 他认为退休以后就能集中精力干他喜欢的事了。

71.这起交通事故在某种程度上归咎于司机的粗心大意。 72.不管他的肤色如何,每个人都有权生活在他喜欢的地方。

73.除非一项公关计划把这些内容全部考虑进去,否则不会对公司有什么帮助。 V.Writing(20 points)

Directions: Write ONE of the following two topics. You are supposed to follow the information given below.

1. 按照完整英文书信的格式,就下述内容与一封感谢:


收信人姓名和地址:李明,北京市海淀区梅林路28号(邮编100002) 信的内容必须包括:

(1) 感谢朋友的热情款待。 (2) 回忆在北京的见闻。

(3) 再次表示感谢并邀请朋友来南昌相聚。

2. 写一篇题为”The Importance of Confidence” 的文章。要求分三段,不少于100


(1) 树立信心的重要性。

(2) 缺乏信心的原因,并用事例来支持你的论点。 (3) 树立信心的可能性。




1. Vocabulary and Structure (1poing each;35 points in all )

Directions: for each of the following blanks, four choices are given, You are required to choose the most appropriate one and put the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet .

( ) 1.In the end he realized his realized his dream, but ______the cost of his life. A.on B .with C .by D .at ( ) 2._______driving to work, Mr Robins goes to his office by train every day .

A .without B .Rather than C. Instead of D. spite of

( ) 3.The professor paused as if _____his students to ask questions on the point he had just made. A .expecting B. to expect

C .expected D. to have expected

( )4.Because he was very poor, he couldn’t _______to rent his flat.

A .spend B .afford C .feel D think ( )5.I _______ her for your girlfriend when I first saw her in your home..

A. figured B .thought C. considered D .regarded ( )6.Is 200 dollars _______ for the expenses of your trip?

A .important B. sufficient C. considered D .comfortable ( )7.Thanks for your invitation, I’d be ________to come.

A .delight B. delightsome C. delighted D .delightful

( )8.Here is the ticket for ________ 4708 to New York. You may go to the airport right now. A .plane B .flight C .train D .airplane ( )9.You haven’t wasted my time. On the _______ ,you’ve helped me save some time. A, contrary B. reverse C .opposite D .contrast ( )10.The wounded tiger ran into the bushes, leaving a _________of blood. A. tail B .train C .trade D .trail

( )11.It was recommended that we _________the job as soon as possible. A .die B .do C .would do D .must do ( )12.People in the small village have never heard of _______before. A. so a shocking story B .a so shocking story C .so shocking a story D. a such shocking story ( ) 13.He didn’t know that ________ ten years to complete this special task. A .it will take him B .he would take C .he would spend D .it would take him

( )14.Criticism and self-criticism is necessary _________it helps us to correct our mistakes. A. since that B .in that C. due to D. because of

( )15.________ we have finished all the exams, we’ll have a good time enjoying ourselves. A .After that B .Now that C. Unless that D. Until

( )16.Japanese women used to wait ______their husbands form morning till night. A .for B .by C .on D .about ( ) 17. He was _____ that he should devote his life motherland.

A. decided B. determined C. discussed D. figured

( ) 18. Stephen invited me to dinner the day before yesterday and I ______ his invitation with

pleasure .

A .accepted B. promised C .permitted D. received

( ) 19.Don’t _______ to let me know if there is anything I can do for you. .

A. reject B .prevent C. hesitate D. refuse

( )20.The man _______ the Helping Hand Group is a handicapped person himself.

A .organizes B .organized C organizing D. organize ( ) 21.________ to speak, I shall start making preparation tomorrow .

A .Having invited B. Having been invited C. Inviting D. Be invited ( )22. How I wish I ________ to repair the watch ! I only made it worse .

A .had tried B. hadn’t tried C. didn’t try D .have tried

( )23. On the one hand, he was highly praised by his teachers, but blamed by some of his

classmates___________ .

A. on another hand B .at other hand

C .at second hand D .on the other hand

( ) 24. We often associate the Yellow River and the Changjiang River _____the civilization of

the Chinese people.

A .by B. to C .from D. with ( )25. Malaysia is a country that ________ in the manufacture of rubber products A specializes B. produces C .turns D. makes use ( ) 26. The freshmen _________ the new college life soon except Tom

A .set up B. adapted to C. got to D. went about ( )27 I keep telling myself to avoid ___________ the same mistakes in pronunciation.

A . to make B. making C .in making D .from making ( ) 28. The more you give. ________ you obtain.

A. the more B. the most C. the little D. the least

( )29. The result of the experiment made me _________ . It was not so good as I had expected. A .disappoint B. be disappointed C .disappointing D. disappointed ( )30.At present ________ than doing well in our socialist economic construction. A. nothing is more important B .nothing is less important

C. much is more important D ..anything is more important

( )31.Many people volunteer to work in remote areas in response _______ the Party’ s call. A. to B .with C. of D .about

( )32. Though using totally different methods, the two groups of students ______ exactly the

same conclusion.

A .got B .achieved C. gained D. drew ( )33. He was very busy yesterday. Otherwise he _______ to the party.

A. would come B .should come C. came D. would have come ( )34. Words are to a language________ bricks are to a building.

A. as B .which C .what D .that

( )35.Yesterday evening ,she got to the theatre late ,only just _______ to dress and made up for

the performance. A .on time B. in time D. within the time D. at the time