金识源专版高中英语Unit2TheUnitedKingdom(第1课时)Warmingup教案新人教版必修5 下载本文

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Unit 1 Great scientists Period 1 Warming up

Teaching Important Points

Have the students discuss great scientists.

Understand and learn the following words and expressions: engine, characteristic, radium, theory, scientific, examine, conclude, analyse, repeat, defeat, attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, severe, valuable, blame, immediately, handle, announce, instruct, virus, construction, contribute, positive, movement, backward, complete, enthusiastic, spin, reject, view, steam engine, put forward, draw a conclusion, in addition, link...to..., be strict with, lead to, make sense,

Teaching Difficulties

What can we learn from the scientists?

What should we do in our daily life to develop our interest and love for

Teaching Aids

CAI equipment with a Multi-

Three Dimensional Teaching Aims

Knowledge Aims

Know about the outstanding discoveries, inventions and theories from some well-known scientists.

Ability Aims

Encourage the students to give more inf Emotional Aims

Encourage the students to learn more about the great scientists and learn from

Help the students to form the good habit in learning and encourage the students

Help the students to realize that it is scientific spirit that makes those scientists successful.

Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Greeting

Step 2 Lead in

T: I’m very glad to see you all here. After a long holiday, all of you look energetic and happy. I hope that we will work hard together happily all through the


year. I do believe that a bright future is waiting for you. We are sure to realize our dreams in the near future. By the way, I’d like to know what you would like to be in the future. Let me share your dreams. Anyone who gives your idea will get a star for your group. Ready?Go!

S: I admire Yang Liwei very much, who is a great honour to our motherland. I’d like to be an astronaut like him.

T: Yeah, the spacecraft, Shenzhou V, orbited the earth 14 times in 21 hours, making China the third country to have successfully sent an astronaut into space. I hope you will realize your dream.

S: I want to be a doctor. I hope I’ll be an outstanding one and be expert in

T: That’s a good idea. There are so many patients with cancers in the world, who are suffering a lot.

S: I want to be an English teacher like you. For one thing, I like English very much; for another, you are not only strict with us but also patient with us. You

T: I’m really glad to hear that. It’s my great honor to be your friends and I like my job very much.

S: I’d like to be an expert in environment. You see, with the development of industry, our globe is seriously polluted. Dirty water, polluted air, and loud noise make our living conditions worse. I think we should leave a beautiful world to the

T: Yes, someone predicted that the last drop of water in the world would be the tear of human being’s. I think all of us should pay attention to our environment,

S: I’m so interested in physics. And I have read Stephen Hawking’s A Brief

As we all know, the

development of our society will go hand in hand with the development of science.

T: Yeah, I can’t agree with you more. Science plays an important part in the development of our society. There are so many examples in the history of human beings.

Ss: ...

T: I’m so glad to share your dreams. Your ambition and careful thoughts really leave a good and amazing impression on me. I like them. In this unit, you will learn something about “Great scientists”. Maybe you will know what you need in your efforts to realize your dreams after we talk about some world-famous scientists. Before we come to “Warming up”, I’d like you to come to the new words in this

Step 3 Word puzzles

T: Open your books and turn to Page 92.Let’s read the words and expressions

(Let the students read the words and expressions together. Help them pronounce the new words and expressions correctly. Later give them some time to practise reading and remember some easy and important ones. Give more help to those who are


T: Here are some definitions of some of the words from this unit.Please work

Words Definitions or explanations A. examine B. repeat C. theory 3.at once; without de D. immediately E. complete F. valuable G. announce

H. control 8.come or bring to an end I. positive J. conclude 10.quite certain or sure T: Now, let’s check the answers. A—4, B—2, C—1, D—3, E—6, F—5, G—7, H—9, I—10, J—8. You have done a good job. I will give you some more minutes to go over all the words and expressions and then fill in the blanks with proper forms of some

1. “All roads lead to Rome, ”he encouraged me after I failed the entrance

2. This sentence doesn’t make any sense

3. Our English teacher is not only strict with us 4. He is good-looking, apart from

5. It is announced that the spacecraft, Shenzhou Ⅵ, landed on the earth

6. It is not Tom but you who are to blame

7. In 1995, the Chinese government put forward a plan for “rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education”.And it has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs.

8.Have you drawn any conclusion after you read this passage?

T: Well done. So much for the learning of the new words and expressions. Step 4 Brainstorming T: Now let’s come to the title of this unit Great scientists. When we talk about

S1: Madame Curie, who got two Nobel Prizes, one for physics and the other for

S2: It reminds me of the great inventor named Thomas Alva Edison and one of his

“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent


S3: Yes, we lead a better life now with the help of science. Without Edison, maybe now we are still living in a dark world. They really make our life easier and

S4: I also think of one of the quotes from Albert Einstein, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

S5: All the scientists are devoted to the career that they choose, and they set