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淮海中学八年级英语 59 主备人: 审核 :

Unit 8 Natural disasters第五课时教学案

Grammar 2

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1. 知识目标:进一步掌握过去进行时的结构和用法。 2. 技能目标:学会正确使用when, while和as。 【学习重点】

学会正确使用when, while和as。 【基础引航】


1. 堆雪人 2. 拍照片 3. 跌倒 4. 做雪球 5. 躲在树后 6. 跑向他们 【要点探究】

一、when、while和as都可以引导时间状语从句与过去进行时连用,表示“当…时候”。 1.when:从句中的谓语动词可用延续性动词,也可用短暂性动词;是延续性动词时,常用过去进行时;是短暂性动词时,常用一般过去时。从句中的动作可与主句中的动作同时发生,也可以在主句中的动作之前或之后发生。

A: I was sleeping when the earthquake started. (过去点时间,强调动作的开始。)

主句为延续性动作用 时态,when从句为短暂性动作用 时态。 B: When I was watching TV, my father came back .

when从句为延续性动作用 时态。主句为短暂性动作用 时态, 练一练:

A: 当Peter进来时我正在看电视。

, I . B: 我在公园散步时遇到了他。

I (meet) him when I (take) a walk in the park.

2. while: 指一个时间段。从句中的谓语动词必须是延续性动词。强调主句的动作与从句的动作同时发生或从句动作在发生的过程当中发生了主句动作。 (1)从句动作在发生的过程当中发生了主句动作,此时while=when A: we were having supper, the light went out.

B: he was riding a bike, he fell off and hurt his leg.

(2)主、从句动作同时发生且都是延续性动词时,用while,主句与从句都用进行时,此时,while译为“而” “一边,一边”。(表示对比)

A: My mother ( cook) while I (do)my homework. B: He was reading the newspaper I was studying.

3. as: as引导时间状语从句时,其谓语动词既可以是延续性动词,也可是短暂性动词。是延续性动词时,常用过去进行时,主句(短暂性动词)用一般过去时。此时的as= when= while,表示“当…时候”。

they were dancing, a stranger came in .

淮海中学八年级英语 59 主备人: 审核 :

请同学们注意:当主从句动作同时进行时,从句动作的时间概念淡化,而主要表示主句动作发生的背景或条件时,只能用as,表示“随着…”或“一边…,一边…”。 A: As the time went on , the weather got worse. 。 B: The little girl sang as she went. 。 4.总结规律:

①当When/while/as引导的从句置于 时,用逗号将其与主句隔开。 ②while, when and as都表示“ ”。 ③. while指某一段时间,从句的谓语动词必须是延续性的。

A: While I was watching TV, he was listening to music. 。 B: Millie was reading a book while Eddie was sleeping. 。 ④. when和as 既可以指某一时间点,又可以指某一段时间,从句的谓语动词既可以是延续性的,又可以是瞬间性的 。

When / As he woke up, it was eight o’clock. 。 ⑤ 指一段时间时,when、while和as都可用

When/ While/ As I was waiting for a bus, I met her. 。 二、完成课本P98 练习并组内交流答案。 【巩固拓展】

一、用when, while或as填空。

1. My mother was cooking my father was watching DVD last night. 2. The singer waved to us she was singing the song.

3. Tommy got there , the famous scientists was giving a talk on traveling. 4. the famous scientists was giving a talk on traveling, Tommy got there. 5. they were playing basketball, we were cheering for them. ▲6. my uncle came to see me, I was reading.

二、根据汉语提示完成句子。(翻译题方法:一找词组,二时态,三连句子注细节。) 1. 昨晚6点我妈妈在做饭,而我爸爸在看报纸.

Mum was Dad newspapers at 6 p.m. last night. 2. 下午当孩子们正在上课的时,地震发生了.

The earthquake the children classes in the afternoon.

3. 昨晚David正睡觉时,电话铃响了。

The telephone rang David was sleeping last night. ▲4. Tom在骑自行车时摔倒了。

Tom his bike, he . ★5. 她在舞台上一边唱一边跳。

She she on the stage . 【课堂小结】
