英德市2012年招录(选调)教师考试(英语) 下载本文

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C. are unconfident about yourself D. have a high opinion of yourself 37. according to the passage, our serf-images _________. A. have positive effects B. are probably untrue C. are often changeable D. have different functions 38. How should you change your serf-image according to the passage?

A. To keep a different image of others. B. To make your life successful. C. To understand your own world. D. To change the way you think. 39. What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to prepare for your success. B. How to face challenges in your life. C. How to build a positive self-image. D. How to develop your good qualities. 40. Who are the intended readers of the passage?

A. Parents. B. Adolescents. C. Educators. D. People in general.


China has recently been faced with serious issues of product safety.

In Panama, it is said that medicine made with a poisonous chemical sickened some people. A Chinese company had identified it as diethylene glycol, a low – cost substitute commonly used in automobile antifreeze.

Some countries have banned Chinese-made toothpaste containing diethylene glycol. China has now told companies to discontinue its use, even though it says the toothpaste is safe. Another industrial chemical, melamine, was found in wheat flour used to make pet food in North America. Thousands of dogs and cats became sick.

The United States has restricted some imports of Chinese seafood because they contained banned substance. And questions have been raised about other products, including children’s toys covered with lead paint. Chinese officials promised to provide the European Union, the biggest trading partner, with detailed reports on enforcement efforts against unsafe goods.

Meglena Kuneva, commissioner (理事) for consumer protection of the European Union said China should have kept its promise.

China recently closed three companies linked to the Panama and the pet food scare. And it dismissed the former head of its food and drug admin

istration. He was found guilty of corruption (腐败) for approving unsafe drugs. This week, a conference of the State Council approved a proposed special measure on the supervision of food safety. The Xinhua News Agency said it calls for stronger controls over producers, greater responsibilities for government and more serious punishment for illegal activities. But Chinese officials have accused some foreign media of overstating problems with goods made in China. They say food imports from the United States also fail inspection sometimes. Next Week, American and Chinese food safety officials are planning to hold 5 days of meetings in Beijing to discuss cooperation.

41.How many cases with safety problems are mentioned in the passage? A.Six B.Five C.Four D.Three

42.How was Panama case dealt with afterwards?

A.Three companies linked to it were closed down.

B.The former head of food and drug administration was executed. C.More serious punishment was conducted for leaders linked to it. D.Both A and B.

43.It can be implied but not clearly stated that ________. A.Chinese made toothpaste is safe

B.the safety of “made in China” is doubted

C.there are safety problems with one more Chinese products D.stronger control over Chinese products is in need 44.The passage is mainly about ________. A.China is facing product safety problems B.more controls are taken of Chinese goods C.overstated problems with Chinese goods D.China is losing its trade partners

45.What does “it refers to in the last but one paragraph?” A.China B.The European Union

C.Chinese officials D.The Chinese company 四、信息匹配:



A. Chapter One. …you probably have an image in your mind of what the “perfect’ or “ideal” body looks like. Try not to press yourself to look that way. Each person is born with genes that control the shape of his / her body. Everyone is different. It’s important to be comfortable with the body you have.

B. Chapter Two. …You use energy for everything you do. That energy comes from the food you eat. Too much food or too little exercise causes your body to store the extra energy in fat cells. But, if you exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet, you’ll feel healthier and stronger not to mention look great.

C. Chapter Three. … Your body runs best on foods high in carbohydrates and low in fat and sugar. Eating a healthy diet will provide your body with everything it needs to run

smoothly. Your body breaks down proteins into amino acids(氨基酸), so you don’t need to take in the amino acids separately.

D. Chapter Four. …Exercise does more than just burn calories. For instance, regular exercise makes your muscles strong and flexible, and increases the amount of muscle you have. It also makes your heart stronger and lowers your blood pressure; …

E. Chapter Five. …Always warm up and stretch for 5-10 minutes before you do strength or endurance exercises. Afterwards, take 10 minutes to cool down. Your heart should beat normally when you stop. Exercising with a group may help you to exercise regularly.

F. Chapter Six. …Supplementation of a mixture of essential amino acids will increase protein synthesis (蛋白质综合体). While supplementing with either carbohydrate or amino acids may limit muscle damage and stimulate (激励) protein synthesis, there is increasing evidence that the combination can have an addictive effect.

信息匹配 以下是与上述章节相关的读者,请匹配读者和他/她需要了解的相关信息的所在章节。 46. Charity. He always breathes heavily and his heart beats irregularly when he finishes his exercise. He wonders whether there is something wrong with his body or whether he is not suited for physical exercises.

47. Wander. She likes eating meat a lot every day as she thinks that meat can provide people with energy. Besides, she does sports on weekends. However, she is not energetic enough to face the pressure.

48. Helly. She has tried many ways of keeping fit, but she still gets fat because of stress from work. She doesn’t look well.

49. Tammy. He is a Grade One college student majoring in gymnastics. He must write a passage about what a healthy body is.

50. Pandy. He is a coach, working in a gym. He will start a new course next month on how to lose weight. For the first few lessons, he is going to talk about why people have to exercise.

III. 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 基础写作(共15分)

假如你是李华,在英语课上老师要求介绍自己喜欢的体育明星。 【写作内容】

写一篇关于林书豪(Jeremy Shu-How Lin)的介绍,内容需包括如下主要信息: 姓名:林书豪 出生年月:1988年8月23日 出生地点:美国加州






他捉住了一次机会,成为了耀眼的明星,并且鼓舞了无数的年轻人 虽然他一直被忽视并且放在替补的位置,但他从没有放弃。 他的现象被成为“林来疯”



只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。 【评分标准】



In our country, children begin to go to school at six. It takes six years for them to finish primary school. During this stage, they’re taught elementary knowledge in language and science, which lays the foundation for their further education. After primary school, they go to junior middle school. Education at this level is compulsory. It lasts for thee years, during which the children learn basic Chinese, English, mathematics, physics and Chemistry. When the junior middle school education comes to an end, the students are screened by exams in two ways. Those who expect to go to college may choose to enter senior middle school and those who want to work attend professional schools.

Nowadays, more and more teenagers go abroad for further education. Some middle school students usually go overseas before their graduation. As a result, the Chinese recently going abroad are tending to be younger and younger. They hope get a better graduation certificate or diploma to find a good job in the future by studying in another country for a stage. Going abroad can enrich our life experience, but it’s not necessarily true that it’ll be beneficial to our life in the long run. For those who are too young to tell the right from the wrong, they may habitually give themselves up to these poisonous peer activities without the guidance of the parents or strong self-control. So over-sea studying experience at a small age may do harm to themselves in the long run. So a hot debate has been held among people on the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. [写作内容]


2.然后以约120个词就中学生留学的话题谈谈你的看法,内容包括: (1)人们对中学生留学的态度; (2) 中学生留学对他们的影响; (3) 你认为应如何对待中学生留学。 [写作要求]


2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 [评分标准]





第一节: 完形填空(1-5 CADAC 篇文章不同选项)

第二节 语法填空(空是我挖的,大概是这些空。)

6-10 ABCDB 11-15 ABCDB)(与原题同一

16.the 17.because 18 has led 19. another 20.it

21. in 22. ignoring 23. who 24. description 25. a

阅读A篇 26-30CBCCA

B篇31—35 BCABC C篇36-40 CBDCB(C篇是08年广东高考真题 )

D篇41-45 BDBAA与原题一样,是VOA听力,也是湖北省黄石二中2011届高三年级二月份调



46. E 关键词是heart, beat。

47. C 关键词是foods…in fat与eating meat a lot。 48. B 关键词是look great与look well。

49. A 关键词是an image of what the “perfect’ or “ideal” body与write a passage about what a healthy body is。

50. D 关键词是regular exercise makes your muscles与why people have to exercise。