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英语知识点整理II(2015版) 一、2000上海春考

1.进入大学以后,他对计算机很感兴趣。(become interested in) 【相关链接】 1.enter ·进入大学 enter unversity ·报名参加enter for=sign up for 被大学录取 be admitted to a university ·在?的入口处 enter the enterance to+n/doing (cinema theatre park等公共场所) at the entrance of (house room hall等) ·高考 college entrance examination ·*进入 gain entry to+n/doing 2.after ·在某人做某事之后 after doing sth=having done ·过了一会儿(一般过去时)after a while=after a moment 过了一会儿(一般将来时)in a while=in a moment ·after+时间点→一般将来时 【key】

After entering the university,he became interested in computer(s)

2.集邮几乎占据了他所有的世界。(occupy) 【相关链接】 1.occupy ·占据 occupy=take up ·全神贯注 be occupied in=be absorbed in=be buried in =be lost in=be employed in=lose oneself in= =employ oneself in=be engaged in=engage oneself in =apply oneself to=be attentive to=put one's heart into 2.conquer 占领;攻克;克服 3.Nearby与almost的区别 1)nearly 将近;几乎(修饰数词) 【eg】I have worked for nearly 30 years 2)almost修饰“v a adv” 【eg】I can almost understand what he said ·not nearly=far from 尽如人意 be far from satisfactory=be not satisfactory =be not nearly satisfactory ·几乎不 almost not=hardly 几乎没有 almost nothing=hardly nothing ·☆almost还可以与“anything 、anyone”等不定代词连用 4.all的用法 - 1 -

①定冠词之前 ②指示代词(these)之前 ③形容词物主代词(my)之前 ④be动词之后 【eg】He is almost late for class. All my (形容词性物主代词)friends telephongd to comfort(安慰) me 【key】

Collecting stamps almost occupies all his spare time.

3.只要专心学习,你一定能通过考试(concentrate) 【相关链接】 1.经常地 frequently=usually=generally=formally=normally=regularly 2.肯定/一定做某事(表示将来动作,不可以与will连用) be sure to do=be certain to do=be bound to do 3.smooth 光滑的;流畅的;顺利的 ·顺利地做某事 do sth smoothly 【key】

If you conentrate on your study,you are certain to pass the exam smoothly

4.仅管有很多困难,我们仍将努力实行我们的计划。(in spite of) 【相关链接】 1.·仅管;虽然in spite of+n=despite+n=for all+n=although+n ·根本 at all ·总共 in all=altogether ·首先;尤其重要的是 above all ·仅管;虽然 for all ·毕竟;终究 after all 2.·执行;实现 carry out ·贯彻;实施 carry on ·计算;解决;制定 work out=make(制定) ·计算;从事于;继续工作 work on 3.·做出巨大贡献 make great contributions in ·对?做出巨大贡献make great contributions to ·向?捐赠;向?投稿 contribute sth to 【key】

In spite of many difficulties ,we will do our best to carry out plan.

5.·对?做出评价 remark about=comment on ·就某事说几句话 make remarks about 6.·由?造成的 result from

·导致;造成 result in=lead to

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·对?进行反思 reflect on

7.参加;参与 participate=take part in 8.坚持不懈 persist in 9.不稳定性 uncertainy

10.淘汰 eliminate=get rid of

11.·用A代替B substitute A for B=replace B by A ·没有?的替代物 there is no substitute for sb/sth


1.这张照片让我想起来我们在夏令营里度过的日子。(remind) 【相关链接】 1.Remind · ①使某人想起某事 remind sb of sth ②提醒某人某事 ·告知某人某事 inform sb of sth 让某人了解某事 keep sb informed of sth =keep informing sb of sth 【Practice】 报刊杂志让我们了解当今世界发生的一切 Newspaper and magazines keep us informed of what is happening in the world today. 2.向某人保证 asure sb of sth/that+句子 =convince sb of sth/that+句子 3.和某人提起某事 tell sb of/about sth 4.谈起;说起;谈到 speak of=talk of=refer to 5.告诫某人某事 warn sb of sth 【key】 The photo reminded me of the days(that/which)we spent together in the summer camp. 【Notice】days→when (×),days 与 spent是“动宾关系” (及物动词) 若为不及物动词。则用when

常见不及物动词:happen take place belong to rise exist consist of work(后面不必跟完整的动词)

2.假如你从事这项工作,你必须先接受三个月的训练(take up) 【相关链接】 1.·从事于;占据;培养 take up ·取下;拿下 take down ·起飞;脱下 take off ·聘用;呈现出 take on=employ ·☆呈现出新面貌 take on a new look ·想当然;理所当然 take it for granted that+句子 ·喜欢 take to+n/doing ·认真考虑某事 take sth seriously - 3 -

·把A误认为B take A for B=mistake A for B 【key】

If you want to take up the job,you must receive 3-month training first.

3.你一旦养成了坏习惯,改掉它是很难的。(once) 【相关链接】 1.养成?的习惯 develop/form/get a habit of doing sth 培养?的坏习惯 cultivate a habit of doing sth=develop 2.·改掉坏习惯 get rid of a bad habit=remove a bad habit =kill a bad habit ·缓解痛苦 kill the pain=relieve the paim ·消磨时光做某事 kill time doing sth 浪费时间做某事 waste time doing sth ·死于意外事故(车祸、火灾等) be killed in ☆blame(对意外事故)负责 ·责怪某人 blame sb ·因某事而责怪某人 blame sb for sth=blame sth on sb ·应对?负责 be to blame for 【eg】Your father is to blame for the accident ·互相责怪 blame each other 【高考中翻英】 遇到困难的时候,我们需要的不是彼此埋怨,还是相互帮助 (not?but) When we meets difficulties,what we need is not to blame each other but to help each other. 【key】

Once you develop a bad habit,it is difficult to remove it.


Once you develop a bad habit,which (×)is difficult to remove it. which能适用于一般句子中,不能用于条件状语从句。

4.与其他学生相比,那个女孩有更强的英语听、说能力。(compare) 【相关链接】 1.在某方面有很强的能力 have a good ability in sth better 【key】

Compared with other girls,rhe girl has a better ability in speaking and listening in English.

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5.众所周知,成功来自于勤奋,不努力则一事无成。(without) 【相关链接】 1.·勤奋n hardwork=deligence=industry ·勤奋的a hardworking=dellgient=industrious ·努力工作v work hard ·不努力 without efforts 2.一事无成 achieve nothing 【key】

As we all know,success comes from hardwork and nothing can be achieved without efforts.

6. set 1.背景 the setting 2.以?为背景 be set in 3.下定决心做某事 set out to do sth=set zbout doing sth 4.开始做 set out to do sth=set about doing sth 5.向某地出发 set out+地点=set off for+地点 6.向?前进 head for=go to 7.固定词汇 set terms 8.确立?的日子 sea a date for 9.一套 a set of 10.开始 set down on=begin 11.认真开始做某事 get down to doing sth 12.设定明确人生目标 set clear/definite goals of life

7.search 1.搜身 search sb 2.寻找某人/某物 search for sb/sth=look for=hunt =be after=persue=be in search of ·渴望 be hungry for=be thirsty for=be dying for=be eager for =be desperate for=long for=desire 3.为了寻找 in search for =to search for 4.在某地搜寻某人 search a place for sb/sth

8.persist 1.稳固的;固执的 2.坚持不懈 persist in ·勇敢的 courageous=brave - 5 -