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Unit 13-Unit 14

提纲挈领 单元 考查重点及热点 fat stomach fever ripe ought examine plenty diet fit gain 单词 energy soft bar fuel chemical balance tasty boil mixture sleepy brain steam Unit 13 短语 句型 ought to plenty of keep up with make a right choice short of now and then roll up 1.only引导的倒装句型 2.instead (of)构成的句型 Unit 14 theme parade fighting conflict argument major probably honour ancestor principle nation purpose creativity faith 单词 commercial joy light similar generation salute kiss cheek nod celebration respect gift cycle fool invitation 短语 dress up in one’s opinion give thanks to play a trick on sb. take in cut...into pieces lead a...life 句型 each time引导状语从句 Unit 13




讲:n.适合;合身(的衣服) v.(使)适合;符合;适应;配合 adj.合适的;健康的;适合??的 例:These shoes are a perfect fit. 这双鞋子很合脚。 This jacket fits me well. 这件夹克很合我的身。

Why,the key doesn’t fit the lock! 哎呀,这把钥匙不是这把锁的。

We meet next week.Do you know a fit place?

我们下星期要开会,你知道有什么合适的场所吗? What kind of job is he fit for? 他适合什么样的工作?

I have no dress fit to wear in public. 我没有适合公共场合穿的衣服。 It is not fit for you to talk like that.

=It is not fit that you(should)talk like that.


Exercise keeps you fit.运动能使你保持健康。 链接·提示

(1)fit用作名词时常与不定冠词连用;用作动词时一般表示衣服的尺寸大小适合某人穿。如果表示衣服的款式或颜色适合某人,一般用suit。 (2)keep fit保持健康 (3)be fit for sth.适合某事 (4)be fit to do sth.适合干某事 练:(1)This straw hat________ me.

A.doesn’t fit for B.isn’t fit C.doesn’t fit D.fits to 提示:题干中的me作选项的宾语,如果fit用作及物动词,不需要接介词,排除A、D项;B项中的fit是形容词,其后缺少介词for,排除B。故选C。 答案:C

(2)The doctors said it would be months after the operation before he ________work.

A.was fit for B.fitted for C.couldn’t D.fit to 提示:be fit for sth.适合某事。 答案:A

(3)(2010全国模拟Ⅰ) —How about eight o’clock outside the cinema? —That_________ me fine.

A.fits B.meets C.satisfies D.suits 提示:本题考查动词辨析。根据句子的意思分析,此处的动词应该表示那个时间“很适合我”,而动词fit一般表示“衣服大小适合某人”,这和此处的语境不相符合;suit多指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位等。故选D。 答案:D 2.develop

讲: v.发展;发生;产生;开发;加工;冲洗

例:He has developed the habit of making notes while reading. 他养成了读书记笔记的习惯。 Can you develop this film for me? 你能给我冲这个胶卷吗?

He works in a developing area in Shanghai. 他在上海的一个开发区工作。

China is a developing country while America is a developed country. 中国是一个发展中国家,而美国是一个发达国家。 链接·提示

(1)developing adj.发展中的 (2)developed adj.发达的

练:(1)China began to________the science of agriculture earlier than other countries in the world. A.open B.use C.master D.develop

提示:考查动词。从句意“中国较早地开始了农业科学的发展”看,应该使用develop,表示“发展”。 答案:D

(2)—Here is the film ________.I need the pictures in 15 minutes. —OK.But you have to pay extra charge.

A.to develop B.to be developed C.developed D.developing

提示:本题考查非谓语动词作定语。动词不定式作定语有将来的含义,过去分词表被动和完成,现在分词表主动和进行。film与develop之间有被动关系,排除A、D两项;从句意看,“冲洗”这个动作还没有发生,故选B。 答案:B


1.ought to


ought to是情态动词词组,无人称和时态的变化,后接动词原形。 例:Such things ought not to be allowed,ought they? 这类事情不应该被允许,是吗?

You oughtn’t to go out to play before finishing your homework. 没完成作业,你不应该出去玩。 链接·拓展

(1)ought to have done表示“本应该做某事,却没做”。

(2)oughtn’t to have done表示“过去不应该做某事。却做了”。 练:—Has Mary finished writing her article? —No,and it __________before class was over.

A.should be finished B.should finish

C.should have finished D.ought to have been finished

提示:从逻辑关系看,答语应该使用被动语态,排除B、C两项;before引导的时间状语使用的是一般过去时,文章应该在这个时间之前完成,故选D。 答案:D

2.now and then

讲:该短语的义项有“时而;不时;偶尔”。 该短语还可以写成every now and then。

例:I go to see my teachers in the primary school now and then. 我偶尔去看小学的老师。 链接·拓展

(1)now and again偶尔;有时

(2)(every)now and again时而;有时 (3)a little now and then/again偶尔;有时 (4)at times有时;不时

(5)from time to time有时;不时 (6)once in a way偶尔;间或 (7)once in a while偶尔;间或

练:In order to keep in touch with each other we all write ______,even when there’s not much to say.

A.now and then B.by and by C.step by step D.more or less

提示:根据题干后半部分提供的信息,此题应选A项,now and then表示“不时地;每隔些时候就”,其余三项都与题干后半部分相矛盾。 答案:A