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It is easy to overlook the role that your body plays in influencing your mood(情绪). When you are 49 , you may find yourself blaming work pressures or an unknown future. However, it could just be that you’ve been sitting behind your desk too long.

One way to improve your mood is 50 . Psychologically, it provides you with a break from the stresses in your life. Also, in the process, you may aim for 51 goals, like a new personal running record or a better body shape. The achievement of a particular goal makes you feel good and contributes to your 52 . That is why exercise has been shown to 53 your self-respect. You do not have to train yourself 54 to feel the psychological benefits of exercise. What really matters is 55 , not intensity(强度)of your exercise. You can try walking for 30 minutes five times per week or simply gardening on weekends. 【文章大意】文章主要讲述了身体与心情的关系,并就加强运动,增强自信提出了有益的建议。

49.A.ill B.poor C.unhappy D.unsuccessful

【解析】选C。前后照应题。与前面的“mood(情绪)”一词相对应。 50.A.play B.communication C.sleep D.exercise

【解析】选D。词汇复现题。下文中一直在讲述运动的重要性,并反复提及“exercise”。 51.A.clear B.present C.common D.early


52.A.ability B.relationship C.confidence D.business 【解析】选C。词汇复现题。与下句中的“self-respect”相对应。 53.A.tear down B.build up C.set aside D.give out 【解析】选B。词语辨析题。build up your self-respect增强自尊心,符合语境。tear down“拆毁”;set aside“把……放在一边”;give out“分发;公布”。 54.A.hard B.everywhere C.carefully D.late


55.A.time B.length C.form D.frequency
