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专题三 完形填空

Test 1 A

One day,a little dog is going to visit his friend in the town.But there’s a small river in front of him.He stops by the road and says,“How can I cross it?” There’s no 1 over the river.

Just then a duck passes by.The dog asks him,“Can I walk 2 the river?”

“Have a try.It may not be 3 ,” the duck answers.Then he swims across the river easily. The dog 4 him,“He can swim,but I can’t.”

After a while,a hen comes to the 5 .The dog asks her,“Is the river deep?” “Sorry,sir.I’m not 6 ,” the hen answers.Then she flies across the river. The dog admires her.“But I can’t 7 .She has wings.”

The dog doesn’t want to 8 .He remembers his mother’s words.“Sometimes no one can help us,but we can help 9 .” He thinks hard,“I can’t walk across the river.Maybe I can jump across it.In fact it isn’t 10 .”

He decides to have a try,though he’s afraid.

At last the little dog jumps across the river successfully. 1.A.house B.sign C.rope D.bridge (D) 2.A.across B.below C.against D.through (A) 3.A.empty B.deep C.large D.clean (B) 4.A.respects B.follows C.admires D.prefers (C) 5.A.sea B.river C.lake D.stream (B) 6.A.ready B.absent C.serious D.clear (D) 7.A.fly B.swim C.jump D.walk (A) 8.A.grow up B.pick up C.give up D.open up (C) 9.A.itself B.themselves C.himself D.ourselves (D) 10.A.long B.wide C.full D.tall (B) B(2019·四川广安) Once a gentleman was traveling in a train.He felt 11 and got down at a station to look for some water.But when he got to the water tap,the train had started.He ran back but 12 the train.

It was getting late and he decided to spend the night at the station.The next morning he asked about the next 13 .He came to know that the next train was on the other day.So he decided to 第 1 页

find a place for a day’s stay.It was getting 14 and he could not find a place near the station.

At last he reached a small village.He asked a villager 15 he could stay in his house for a night.The villager agreed.The villager cooked him food and 16 him a room to stay.But he did not ask for anything in return.

At seven in the evening,the gentleman heard a knock at the door.The villager opened the door.It was a 17 man in black.He asked the man to pay his debts(债务).

The next morning,the gentleman 18 some money on the bed.When the villager found the money,he also found a note.It said:“You 19 me but didn’t want any pay from

me.Yesterday I heard the conversation between you and the rich man.I knew that you were in need of 20 .This is what you need.” 11.A.hungry B.thirsty C.tired D.busy (B) 12.A.caught B.missed C.got D.saw (B) 13.A.bus B.ship C.plane D.train (D) 14.A.dark B.clean C.dirty D.quiet (A) 15.A.and B.or C.if D.but (C) 16.A.gave B.built C.had D.bought (A) 17.A.poor B.rich C.ugly D.nice (B) 18.A.forgot B.remembered C.left D.borrowed (C) 19.A.cooked B.taught C.talked D.helped (D) 20.A.food B.money C.time D.house (B)

Test 2 A(2019·河北) Once there was a king and his daughter.The king asked his daughter how much she loved him.She said that she loved him as much as she loved 1 .Her answer made the king very happy.Salt is a simple thing, 2 it is very important.So the king thought his daughter cared a lot about him.

Salt has many 3 .Our bodies need salt.If we don’t have enough,our bodies can’t work properly.We put salt on icy roads to make them 4 .We also use salt to produce other products,like paper and glass.But for many years,salt’s most important job was to 5 food.Like other living things,most bacteria(细菌) need water to live.Salt takes in plenty of

water,so most bacteria cannot live 6 a salty environment.As a result,salt protects food and many other things.For much of human history,this ability has made salt 7 .Every ancient

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culture from Egypt to China depended on salt.Even today,the hard-working,useful people are 8 as “the salt of the earth”.

For centuries,salt was also hard to 9 .Its usefulness,together with rarity(稀有) made it very expensive.Salt could even be used like 10 .In fact,the word “salary(薪水)” comes from the word “salt”.

Today,salt is used more widely and it still plays an important role in our life. 1.A.salt B.air C.gold D.sugar (A) 2.A.or B.so C.and D.but (D) 3.A.forms B.secrets C.uses D.skills (C) 4.A.wide B.safe C.smooth D.thick (B) 5.A.protect B.provide C.produce D.prepare (A) 6.A.in B.outside C.for D.without (A) 7.A.hopeful B.comfortable C.valuable D.successful (C) 8.A.saved B.dreamed C.invited D.described (D) 9.A.sell B.get C.take D.keep (B) 10.A.money B.medicine C.earth D.food (A)


How can we keep a feeling of balance(平衡) in our lives?How can we live with a positive attitude(态度)?To answer the two questions,let’s 11 the following points.

Life isn’t fair(公平的) Our life isn’t always 12 of pleasure,is it?Life doesn’t always give us a hand and doing our best doesn’t always bring good results.

Failure Failure is necessary to life,almost as necessary as the 13 we breathe.Failure is part of trying.The only thing that we need to think about is 14 to deal with it.In fact,failure can be a great teacher that leads us to success.

Loneliness It’s 15 for us to be with our family and friends forever.Sometimes we have to be alone.Don’t be afraid when we feel lonely.Treasure the friendship,kindness and love we own now.

Suffering Growing up is not easy and pain is part of our lives.Almost 16 gets hurt.Take a deep breath and give life a big smile when we suffer pain.

Personal responsibility(责任) We each have a choice to be either a 17 or a loser.We should have responsibility for the choices we make.What we will have in the future depends on what we do 18 .

Self-confidence We should believe we can do something well.Nothing in the world is difficult for the man who is 19 himself.

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